
Creating and sharing 1000 better stories of Scottish community climate action and social justice to inspire change to a fair and thriving future for all. At SCCAN, we are committed to supporting community-led action to address climate and nature emergencies. We believe that the path to a just, thriving and resilient Scotland is paved with great stories told in the voices of those who are already imagining and building better futures.
Often against significant odds, many communities are implementing locally developed solutions to meeting local needs. We want to help tell and amplify these diverse, inspiring stories of change to a broader audience. We want to do it in a variety of genres and formats. And we want to form a creative storytelling collective of climate and community engaged voices to truly transform what is possible.
The only thing that will replace a narrative and drive change we need to make a better world is a thousand better stories.
We do this through:
• 1000 Better Stories podcast and blog,
• training and skillshares,
• and mini-grants for story contributors

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We’re building a people-powered movement for a safe climate. Right now in the UK, we’re fighting for a Green New Deal and to cut off money flows to the fossil fuel industry.

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Support for businesses to develop and implement strategies to shift to a low-carbon economy.

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ACT are on a mission to supercharge the effectiveness of climate communications. We run impactful creative campaigns, and provide strategic advice for members. We work with NGOs, good businesses and other organisations trying to reach mainstream audiences with positive climate messages. Our mission is to supercharge the effectiveness of climate communications with advertising techniques. We want to make climate action mainstream. We can only achieve this with climate communicators breaking out of their bubbles and engaging a key target audience: the Persuadables – 69% of the UK population who are neither climate activists nor climate deniers.

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A movement of people taking action to create a happier and kinder world, together.

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The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS) is a community benefit society and cooperative working to develop healthy, happy communities living active and connected lives.

Our vision is for a society where people have the autonomy, capacity, resources and skills to become the architects of their own destiny; where our individual wellbeing is recognised as being bound up in our collective responsibility to and dependency on each other; and where all of us feel empowered as agents of social change to make a difference – whether at an individual level or more widely. By working collaboratively with communities we aim to bring about sustainable change on an social, environmental and economic level; to do the social knitting required to create stronger and more resilient communities and to support communities to identify, mitigate and remove the barriers that prevent them from living active and connected lives. The Society was developed out of the successful Wellbeing Service set up by Birmingham City Council in June 2015.



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Get a free air pollution report for your address, provided by Imperial College. Providing the public with the most accurate air pollution data available.

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The creative agency for life on earth. The Agency For Nature is an experiment in the future of creativity. In the context of climate change and the collapse of nature, what if our creativity was used in service to life on earth?  It supports young creatives in the advertising industry to think and act differently, to slow down, and to reconnect with nature.

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An organisation focusing on making farming wildlife-friendly.

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We’re on a mission to embed climate truth, courage, and just solutions in education—and to make it exceedingly easy to use the All We Can Save anthology within the classroom.  To nurture the leaderful climate community we need for a life-giving future.

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Our vision is a water-secure world that enables people, cultures, business and nature to prosper, now and in the future. To achieve this, our mission is to:

Ignite and nurture global and local leadership in credible water stewardship that recognizes and secures the social, cultural, environmental and economic value of freshwater. Growing populations and economies, changing lifestyles and global climate change are putting increasing pressure on our water resources. Major water users, governments, cities and citizens all recognize the urgent need to work together to ensure the sustainability of this vital resource on which we all depend. Water stewardship enables water users to work together to identify and achieve common goals for sustainable water management and shared water security. We define water stewardship as the use of water that is socially and culturally equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial, achieved through a stakeholder-inclusive process that includes both site- and catchment-based actions.

AWS is a global membership collaboration comprising businesses, NGOs and the public sector. Our members contribute to the sustainability of local water-resources through their adoption and promotion of a universal framework for the sustainable use of water – the International Water Stewardship Standard, or AWS Standard – that drives, recognizes and rewards good water stewardship performance.

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Anthropy aims to inspire a better Britain by fostering meaningful dialogue, encouraging collaborative ideas and creating collective action by way of both select and discreet event programming and partnerships. Anthropy is a unique 21st Century organisation based on a cross sector membership, with content and programming Partners, willing to connect and collaborate year-round to bring our community of leaders together to explore new ideas and incubate collaborations for the wider good.

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ACAN is a network of individuals within architecture and related built environment professions taking action to address the twin crises of climate and ecological breakdown.

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The twin crises of climate breakdown and biodiversity loss are the most serious issue of our time. Buildings and construction play a major part, accounting for nearly 40% of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions whilst also having a significant impact on our natural habitats.  For everyone working in the construction industry, meeting the needs of our society without breaching the earth’s ecological boundaries will demand a paradigm shift in our behaviour. Together with our clients, we will need to commission and design buildings, cities and infrastructures as indivisible components of a larger, constantly regenerating and self-sustaining system. The research and technology exist for us to begin that transformation now, but what has been lacking is collective will. Recognising this, we are committing to strengthen our working practices to create architecture and urbanism that has a more positive impact on the world around us.

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ASEED Europe (Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment, and Diversity Europe) is an international campaigning organization focused on the decline of biodiversity in agriculture, the availability of seeds, and corporate concentration in the food system. Established in 1991 by young, engaged citizens committed to social and environmental justice, ASEED Europe campaigns for the preservation of both cultural and biological diversity, and promotes discussion on critical emerging issues in the food system. ASEED also provides educational materials and training on topics such as seeds, climate change, trade, and food sovereignty.

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The Association of Sustainability Practitioners (ASP) is here to promote learning that transforms behaviour from unsustainable to sustainable practices. We are an international community of sustainability practitioners with a wide diversity of skills and practices, learning  and acting together to create truly sustainable futures.  We provide each other with the space to safely explore the challenges of this journey through mutual support and helpful connection. Connecting – we compile and share regular news bulletins with details of “what’s happening” in the sustainability and purpose world.  We collaborate on projects and other activities and promote our projects, research, upcoming events, interesting articles,  new reports – in short anything that our members wish to share with our community.

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The B Corp Climate Collective is a group of Certified B Corporations working together to take action on the climate emergency. We recognize the unique and powerful role that we play as purpose-driven businesses to reverse climate change. We are working to identify concrete steps to accelerate climate mitigation and to work collectively, as individual companies, and through cross-sector collaboration and public advocacy.

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Founded in 1913, the British Ecological Society (BES) is the oldest ecological society in the world. The BES promotes the study of ecology through a range of scientific publications, conferences, public engagement and policy work. The society has 7,000 members from 120 different countries.

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Help Buglife save the planet. ‘If we and the rest of the back-boned animals were to disappear overnight, the rest of the world would get on pretty well. But if the invertebrates were to disappear, the world’s ecosystems would collapse.’ Sir David Attenborough. Support Buglife by organising or taking part in a sponsored event – you could join in a marathon, hold a sponsored silence or even run a cake sale see more ideas here or why not try a virtual challenge. Go to our fundraising suite to set up a page for your event and then ask family and friends for their support. Looking for a real challenge then have a look at Choose A Challenge for a carbon neutral challenge of a lifetime for which Buglife are available to choose from the open charity partners.


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We raise awareness across the business sector of the imperative to accelerate action to address climate change, biodiversity loss and social injustice.  We celebrate all companies who declare. We are not perfect, and we are not judging others. We are part of a coalition of the willing looking to collaborate and accelerate action. We push the boundaries, facilitating conversations on the many complex challenges businesses are facing. We urge faster action than the Paris agreement. We engage business leaders who want to add their voice to our resounding, collective call for change.

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We are a network for professionals who want to help our society prepare well for an age of environmental breakdown.

It is now clear that global temperatures will rise well beyond 1.5C above preindustrial levels. A new era of insecurity and destabilisation is upon us. It’s time to prepare society for the cascading risks now being unleashed. With Cadence Roundtable you can stay abreast of leading thinking on existential climate risk, explore how your own work can respond, and share problems, successes and lessons learnt. We gather people across disciplines and sectors to focus on the big systemic and interlinking challenges now facing our society, from food insecurity to sea-level rise, migration, fragile public services or social unrest. We are a non-profit virtual network committed to you, your professional integrity, your personal resilience, and the practical leadership which is yours to give in an age of existential threat.

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A well-established campaign group focused on sustainable approaches to transport.

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We need to work together to tackle the root causes of the problems we face. The record levels of inequality and renewed austerity, the oppression of entire groups of people and the destruction of the natural world – just a few of the big challenges – are all connected by a dysfunctional political and economic system. These are big challenges. Yet it’s rare that campaigners and activists have the opportunity to step back and look at how we build the kind of movement that will create meaningful change.  Where we can draw connections and build solidarity between issues and where we can develop collective strategies that put liberation at the centre of what we do. Campaign Lab is designed to be just this kind of space. We intentionally bring together rising leaders from across civil society – from grassroots and faith group organisers, to trade unionists,  and NGO staff – to do just this.  We look both outwards – at the interconnected challenges we face – and inwards – at the kind of people we need to be to support each other. It is a space that values community, open-mindedness and collaboration: where we build practical strategies together, where we support each other in our struggles, and where everyone feels able to participate.

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A coming together of volunteers, Chard Area Resilience Group (CARG) is busy working on behalf of all of us, protecting from future flooding and other civil incidents by increasing resilience through fact-finding, illustrative design and sketches based on evidence, the “voice of reason”, sharing information and community cooperation.

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We are a community of Christians supporting each other to take meaningful action in the face of imminent and catastrophic, anthropogenic climate breakdown. We are inspired by Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit. Following the example of social justice movements of the past, we carry out acts of public witness, nonviolent protest and civil disobedience to urge those in power to make the changes needed.

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A Citizens’ Assembly is a representative group of citizens who are selected at random from the population to learn about, deliberate upon, and make recommendations in relation to a particular issue or set of issues. It is still up to elected politicians whether or not to follow the assembly’s recommendations.

The aim is to secure a group of people who are broadly representative of the electorate across characteristics such as their gender, ethnicity, social class and the area where they live. They could also match political divides like position on Brexit or Scottish independence.

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Led by Daniel Schmachtenberger, The Civilization Research Institute works to support the emergence of a mature global civilization //
capable of wisely stewarding the unprecedented power of exponential technologies //
in concert with an enduringly healthy biosphere //
while avoiding the twin failure modes of catastrophes and dystopias.

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Campaigning to achieve urgently and sustainably full compliance with World Health Organisation guidelines for air quality throughout London and elsewhere

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We’re working to protect life on Earth. The science couldn’t be clearer: we are facing a climate crisis that threatens the future of life on Earth. But we have the power to fix it. We work in partnership across borders, systems and sectors. Our work focuses on changing the system – informing, implementing and enforcing the law, advising decision-makers on policy and training legal and judicial professionals. Because a future in which people and planet thrive together isn’t just possible: it’s essential.

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Climate Action Network (CAN) is a global network of more than 1,900 civil society organisations in over 130 countries driving collective and sustainable action to fight the climate crisis and to achieve social justice. CAN convenes and coordinates civil society at the UN climate talks and other international fora.

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Climate Awakening was founded to convene small group conversations about our fears, grief and rage.  Their goal is to help people turn their pain into action, and build power for the climate emergency movement.

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This Hub brings together a Climate Café® movement growing since 2015. Community led, from beginnings in rural Scotland, sister Cafés are emerging around the world. Find out about Climate Café®, connect with others, find out how they work, as well as find support and guidance to start your own!

As it becomes more evident that climate and ecological breakdown are a clear and present danger to our safety and wellbeing, we increasingly need to talk about what our changing world means for us in terms of impacts at personal, family and societal level. We need to imagine it in some detail so as to be able to think about it clearly and constructively, and to explore some complex feelings and thoughts which may often be taboo and hard to talk about. With sturdy enough support structures in place, most people can sustain challenging feelings without either dissociating and numbing or going into blind panic. They can engage with difficult truths whilst staying connected and grounded. A climate café aims to be such a structure – a container that is strong enough to allow the exploration of fear, anxiety, and other emotions such as anger, helplessness, sadness, grief or depression.

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The Climate Choir Movement has grown rapidly since Autumn 2022 and now has choirs in Bath, Bristol, Forest of Dean, Guildford, London, Oxford, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Sheffield, Southampton, Swansea, Ballycastle & Exeter.

The Movement has a collective ethos where all are involved in making it thrive. A core group coordinate major activities whilst local choirs arrange their own events, inviting other nearby choirs to join in if they wish.

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Climate Cleanup Foundation is an independent entrepreneurial non-profit funded by members. Together we pioneer systemic interventions to enable carbon returning on land, in oceans,
rocks and constructions. We are people reversing climate change. We remove carbon dioxide from oceans and the atmosphere. We double nature by fostering systemic conditions for the regenerative economy.

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The Climate Coalition is the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action on the climate and nature crises. Along with our sister organisations Stop Climate Chaos Cymru and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, we are a group of over 130 organisations — including the National Trust, Women’s Institute, Oxfam, and RSPB — with a combined supporter base of 20 million.

We bring together our members and partners to become more than the sum of our parts. Together, we are able to mobilise our collective memberships and supporters, millions of ordinary people, to become an unstoppable political force. More and more of us are feeling the effects of climate change in our everyday lives, and seeing the devastating impacts on what we love. In the UK and abroad, we’re seeing the impacts of floods, fires and storms alongside spiralling costs of living. The urgency to act has never been greater. But we have hope, because the solutions to the climate crisis already exist.

Through our campaigns, we show that people across the UK support a safer, greener future. We want the next generation, at home and abroad, to benefit from a better future than the one we currently face. We are asking the UK Government and decision makers to deliver on its promises to protect us, people around the world and the next generation.

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The Climate Emergency Centres (CECs) project enables the development of a self-funding Eco Centre that brings together a diverse alliance of groups and individuals in the local community to build solutions, relationships and resilience in the face of the Climate Emergency and multiple social crises. Each centre is autonomous but interconnected with a broader network of Centres across the UK that support each other, sharing skills, resources and knowledge. The Climate Emergency Centres (CEC) project has grown out of 30 years of grassroots environmental community centre projects, which began in 1992 after the Rio Earth Summit.Knowledge from this experience has been collated into the CEC handbook.

At this critical time for our planet what is needed is spaces and infrastructure to help people connect and gather resources to take action for a sustainable future. Over 300 Councils in the UK have declared a climate emergency. Local communities can come together to set up self-funding Climate Emergency Centres that meet local needs in a sustainable way. These Centres will work to improve community resilience by focusing on solutions to social and environmental crises. Local communities create a team and identify a vacant building, either owned by the Council or a private developer, that can be used for a Climate Emergency Centre (CEC) for the benefit of people and planet. They are supported by being connected to a network of other groups working in their own communities, and sharing experience, knowledge and skills.

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Want to help tackle climate change but don’t have the time to become a climate scientist? PLAY YOUR PART IN THE CLIMATE TRANSITION BY JOINING THE CLIMATE FRESK MOVEMENT !In just 3 hours, the collaborative Climate Fresk workshop will teach you the fundamental science behind climate change and empower you to take action.

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We work to accelerate citizen climate action towards system change, and help a mass movement to see its own power.

In particular, we support promising initiatives organising citizen action in local communities, workplaces and professions. The Incubator helps them to grow, connect with funding and build their networks.

The world’s political and industry leaders have failed in delivering the massive transformation of systems needed to halt climate change. We often hear that time is running out to fix things – but the fact is, time ran out some time ago. It’s now too late to achieve the ‘safe’ 1.5°C limit agreed at the Paris 2015 summit.

This doesn’t mean that we should give up. The opposite: it means that in order to limit catastrophic damage, most of the people in the world need to be on board with climate action.

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Climate Museum UK is an experimental museum that curates and gathers responses to the Earth crisis. Founded by a collective of creatives including Bridget McKenzie, Justine Boussard, Victoria Burns, Clemence Aycard, and others, this innovative museum operates on the concept that a climate museum can exist anywhere. The team members are distributed across the UK, each contributing to a diverse range of collections aimed at opening imaginations to possible futures. Climate Museum UK organizes “activations” in collaboration with local partners, encouraging communities to play, create, talk about, and take action on the Earth crisis. Each team member curates their own collection, which may include resources, handling objects, or art created by themselves or participants. The museum’s mission is to develop the capacities of museums and creative practitioners to engage communities with environmental issues in ways that are imaginative and transformative.

Bridget McKenzie, one of the founders, brings her expertise from previous roles as Education Officer for Tate and Head of Learning at the British Library. She emphasizes the importance of direct, public-facing participatory engagement and aims to create learning opportunities for cultural organizations and individual practitioners. As our understanding of climate change evolves, museums like Climate Museum UK are shifting from therapeutic actions to systemic actions that address the truth of our disrupted relationship with nature. A visionary museum inspiring learning, dialogue, and action, creating powerful exhibition experiences and a range of interdisciplinary programs for all ages to build community around climate education and solutions and move together toward a safer and more just future.

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Helping people to understand and talk about climate change.  They help people understand this complex issue in ways that resonate with their sense of identity, values and worldview.

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The Climate Party is a new political movement with the sole aim of leading the UK to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2030, one which capitalises on the vast opportunity it presents for the UK economy.

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Exploring psychological responses to the climate crisis to strengthen relationships and resilience for a just future. Climate psychology is concerned with the emotions, and the social and mental processes that have contributed to the ecological and climate crisis, and our responses and processes of adaptation to it. In the Climate Psychology Alliance we draw on psychotherapeutic approaches, psychosocial studies, the arts, spiritual and philosophical thought, literature, systems thinking and ecopsychology, all in the service of unpicking our collective and individual responses to the crisis, much of which is unacknowledged and unconscious. Climate psychology aims to contribute by:

• building understanding and support for individuals and groups
• enabling transformation and adaptation
• helping us to cope with the consequences of the climate and ecological crisis.

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At The Climate Reality Project, our global network of 3.5 million is working to build a just and sustainable true net zero future. Join us. GET THE TOOLS, TRAINING, AND NETWORK TO HELP STOP GLOBAL WARMING AND BUILD A NET ZERO FUTURE FOR THE EARTH. We train and mobilize people worldwide with four global campaigns to accelerate climate action this decade and help us reach true net zero by 2050 – the point where global warming can stop in as little as three-to-five years and the Earth begins to heal.

Four main campaigns:  Reducing emissions, Calling out Greenwashing, Financing a Just Transition and Strengthening International Cooperation on Climate.

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We are a charity formed from an association of local groups working together to help deliver events, information and workshops on:

Energy Bill Advice; Climate Justice; Insulation 4 Homes; People Not Profit; Listening Circles; Eating Sustainably; Stories for a Better Future; Wellbeing; Green Travel; Climate Information; Repair, Recycle, Reuse; Rewilding; Gardening with Nature

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A youth-led community, resourcing a generation of climate leaders.

The Resilience Project was created to enable other young people concerned about climate to find their peace, their power and their people.

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Climate Speakers is a CIC. Going beyond just the sustainability narrative, they provide a diverse symphony of voices – whose research, initiatives and campaigns amplify urgent action, and pave the way for real solutions. They provide speakers to share their expertise within businesses, schools and other organisations.

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We take the carbon out of business. At Climeaction we take a whole operations approach to decarbonization – working across all business functions to develop an integrated approach to reducing your emissions and improving your ESG performance all while reducing operating costs. Climeaction is an truly independent, Employee Owned, B Corp Certified company. When we say “Climate Action Solutions for All” we mean it – Decarbonization of business requires solutions at all levels of the supply chain. To understand how to decarbonize large organizations, it is essential that we understand the challenges their supply chains face. Every scale of business must reduce emissions at the same time.

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Communities Prepared is a national community resilience programme that equips Community Emergency Volunteers (CEV) and Flood Warden groups with the knowledge and confidence to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a range of emergencies, from flooding and severe weather incidents to pandemics.

Led by Groundwork South, we work in partnership with a range of other organisations at the national and local level, including the Environment Agency, local authorities and VCS organisations.

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Most people agree on the need to tackle climate change and restore the balance between people and nature. We believe it is possible to meet that challenge head on but we must act now, and work together, in order to be successful. From our 40 years of experience, we know that efforts to tackle climate change needs to come from the bottom-up as well as the top-down and we can help engage communities in conversations and action around the climate and nature emergency who might not normally get involved or get their voices heard.

Our expert staff are supporting communities to take practical action in their local areas. Doing jobs that protect the environment. Creating places that help to protect us from the impacts of climate change. Supporting young people to become the next generation of green leaders. Delivering a wide range of projects to make the places where they live fit for a greener future.

We put local people at the heart of a global conversation.

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Farming without cruelty to animals – a longstanding campaign group.

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The brainchild of Daniel Schmachtenberger, The Consilience Project publishes novel research at the leading edges of global risk mitigation, governance design and culture. Our content explores the key challenges and existential threats facing humanity, and the underlying problems with current approaches for addressing them. We outline how our social systems and institutions need to be redesigned if free, open, non-authoritarian societies are to survive. At no other point in history has humanity faced such a wide range of novel catastrophic risks. Our civilization has never been more vast, complicated, and fragile. This systemic fragility is exacerbated by new technologies, geopolitical instability, an ecological crisis and a reliance on global economic supply chains. These interlocking, interrelated problems are known collectively as the metacrisis. The Consilience Project’s primary aim is to clarify and reveal the nature of the metacrisis to enable comprehensive solutions to global problems. Our work recognizes the interconnectedness of humanity’s challenges: any solution must factor the underlying drivers of each one.

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Covering Climate Now is a collaboration of journalists and newsrooms working together to improve climate coverage worldwide.

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Creative Carbon Scotland believes in the essential role of the arts, screen, cultural and creative industries in contributing to the transformational change to a more environmentally sustainable Scotland.

We work directly with individuals, organisations and strategic bodies engaged across cultural and sustainability sectors to harness the role of culture in achieving this change. Through all our work, events and projects, we combine strategic expertise and consultancy, bespoke carbon management training and guidance, and a range of programmes supporting the development of artistic practices that address sustainability and climate change. Creative Carbon Scotland is committed to actively promoting equality and diversity in all our work, events and recruitment processes. We recognise that a diverse and inclusive movement is critical to solving climate change and that we must ensure that those directly impacted – particularly those who have been excluded in the past – are at the centre of the movement for change. We value the range of views and experiences that our team members, sector colleagues and all those we work with contribute to our thinking.

Get in touch to explore how we can collaborate, or if you are interested in supporting our work financially.

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We are a charity formed from an association of local groups working together to help deliver events, information and workshops on: Energy Bill Advice Climate Justice Insulation 4 Homes People Not Profit Listening Circles Eating Sustainably Stories for a Better Future Wellbeing Green Travel Climate Information Repair, Recycle, Reuse Rewilding Gardening with Nature

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Culture Hack Labs (CHL) is a not-for-profit consultancy that supports organizations, social movements and activists to create cultural interventions for systems change.

Our mission is to change the cultural narratives that create and justify ecological breakdown, extraction and structural inequality.

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DARE is a small rural site in Kent focused around Deep Adaptation, researching and living what that means, including the practical and emotional skills we need.  It is based near Edenbridge, Kent, UK.

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About the Dark Mountain Project. In 2009, two English writers published a manifesto. Out of that manifesto grew a cultural movement: a rooted and branching network of creative activity, centred on the Dark Mountain journal, sustained by the work of a growing gang of collaborators and contributors, as well as the support of thousands of readers around the world.
Together, we are walking away from the stories that our societies like to tell themselves, the stories that prevent us seeing clearly the extent of the ecological, social and cultural unravelling that is now underway. We are making art that doesn’t take the centrality of humans for granted. We are tracing the deep cultural roots of the mess the world is in. And we are looking for other stories, ones that can help us make sense of a time of disruption and uncertainty.

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Dark Optimism is, in part, a perspective which is not afraid of seeking the truth — even when that truth is unpalatable or feels overwhelming. By exploring the unknown we can see it for what it is, rather than what we might fear it to be. Where there is darkness present we face it with an indomitable belief in the potential of life and humankind. This website is the home of the not-for-profit public interest research, writing and activism of Shaun Chamberlin, working with a wide network of friends and partners around the world. Our projects epitomise the Dark Optimism perspective.

We are unashamedly positive about the kind of future we could be creating, and unashamedly realistic about how far we are from doing so today.

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The Deep Adaptation Forum (DAF)

DAF is dedicated “to embodying and enabling loving responses to our predicament”. Our “predicament” is societal collapse arising from our climate emergency, global economic and environmental crises, species extinction, soil degradation, extreme weather events, forced migration, historical and systemic planet and people abuse, and much more. On this website, we use the terms societal collapse or breakdown to describe the ending of our modern ways of sustaining human life. Different people within DAF view this as likely, inevitable or already happening. Societal collapse includes limited or nonexistent access to food, shelter, safety, pleasure, identity, and meaning, as well the failure of our institutions and social structures.

The DA Forum emerged from Professor Jem Bendell’s academic paper, published in 2018 and revised in 2020. Both versions explore personal and collective changes to help people understand, prepare for, and live with societal disruption and collapse in as loving a way as possible. Bendell offers The Four Rs to help us define and live loving responses. Everywhere, people are beginning to understand it is too late to avert a global environmental catastrophe. Many humans and nonhumans in more vulnerable parts of the world are already deeply affected. People are expressing fear and unease, sometimes in destructive ways. As the effects of climate chaos escalate, collective panic could bring about extreme forms of “othering,” such as xenophobia, racism, tribalism, cultural exclusion, and fascism. No one knows exactly what will happen, where, or when. But DAF recognizes that biosphere and climate disruptions are forcing humans and other species to seek new ways and places to live. We are also keenly aware that although societal collapse is a global predicament, racialized and Indigenous communities, and almost all non-human species, suffer first and most.

The DA Forum invites participants to understand collapse from a global and historical perspective, rather than something recently arising. DA Forum participants recognize that many communities have already experienced the trauma of collapse, whether from natural disasters or due to war, slavery, colonization, and/or other social injustices. These injustices, the associated traumas and their consequences are still being experienced by the global majority today. Injustice is the foundation of our privileged societies and economies. DAF recognizes the need for acknowledging injustices and the importance of reconciliation. The DA Forum stands in solidarity with all affected beings, human and more-than-human. We share learnings that may prevent injustices from continuing and promote response-ability awareness.

The DAF community currently has about 15,000 participants from many backgrounds and countries. Adapting to all time zones, people connect with each other via live video or on blogs and social media. To promote global interweaving, DAF hosts many weekly and monthly events. DA Forum events address the complex challenges of being, knowing and doing as our environment and society collapse.

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A network initiated by Jeremy Lent.

Identity | We are a community sharing deep concern about our civilization’s direction, with an intention to engage constructively to change its trajectory.

Purpose | To help amplify the forces for Deep Transformation that could set humanity on a path of future flourishing on a regenerated Earth.

Values | With reverence for the dignity and interdependence of all beings, we seek life-enriching symbioses within human society and within the planetary matrix that sustains us all.

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The Deer Wood Trust actively promotes and demonstrates Native Woodland conservation & regeneration.
We work with marginalised, disadvantaged, mentally or physically challenged young people and all who would benefit from spending good quality time in a safe and well-held space, through learning and well-being activities in Deer Wood.  To promote and demonstrate different aspects of Sustainable Living.

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Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL), based on the work by Kate Raworth, is part of the emerging global movement of new economic thinking and doing. Our aim is to help create 21st century economies that are regenerative and distributive by design, so that they can meet the needs of all people within the means of the living planet. We call this Doughnut Economics.

We work with changemakers worldwide – in communities, education, cities and places, business and government and more – who are turning the ideas of Doughnut Economics into transformative action and aiming to bring about systemic change. Our name is very intentional: we are focused on action and always learning through experiment. DEAL was founded as a Community Interest Company in July 2019, and we launched our Community Platform online in September 2020.

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Earth4All is a vibrant collective of leading economic thinkers, scientists, and advocates, convened by The Club of Rome, the BI Norwegian Business School, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Building on the legacies of The Limits to Growth and the Planetary Boundaries frameworks, science is at the heart of our work. Leading scientists have developed state of the art systems dynamic models and run different scenarios for possible plausible futures.

Earth4All is guided by a Transformational Economics Commission, made up of economic thinkers from across the globe to explore new economic thinking and test the model outcomes. The third pillar is a global campaign that aims to make the Earth4All vision a reality, advocating for governments to adopt policies that will enable resilient and healthy societies.

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Real people. Real stories. Real action. Welcome to Eco Action Families! We aim to help you learn more about the ecological and climate crisis that we are all facing, and inspire you to take ACTION!

Action comes in many forms and works on many levels from personal changes in the home, to school and community campaigns, to national, political campaigning and civil disobedience. Often it starts with the urge to learn more and go beyond the mainstream media headlines. Something awakens in us as we notice for ourselves that all is not well in the world. We look at our loved ones, the places we cherish and the incredible gifts and beauty of nature and we realise that they desperately need protecting. Every bite we eat and every breath we take relies on a healthy environment, and yet we are destroying ecosystems, filling the world with toxic chemicals, plastic waste and carbon emmissions, whilst consuming, consuming, consuming….

This one precious and finite planet is our only home. The time has come for a different story….

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Those of us in the ecopsychology community, authoring this website, are passionate about making a collective shift towards living regeneratively. As ecopsychologists we’re aware that the shift is not only practical, but also calls for a change in consciousness. We look for change in the way we humans (especially, but not only, in the so-called West or Global North) have come to see ourselves in relation to the rest of life. In particular we seek a re-visioning of the divide we’ve put between our own species, other species and everything that is not human, or deemed not ‘useful’ to humans. We come from a diverse range of backgrounds: therapists, environmentalists, academics, business consultants, doctors, as well as ceremony makers, gardeners, journalists, teachers, film-makers, ecologists, artists, horticulturalists, activists, writers…. and many of us move between several of these worlds.

Ecopsychology is an emerging field; a discipline, an art form, a practice, which bridges between professions and trades, between ways of thinking, between head, heart and hands. Whilst we are a mix of women, men, and those who identify in a less binary way, we are also aware that many of us in this community are white and from a ‘western’ background. Our hope is that this changes as the community becomes more diverse and accessible.

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Ecosystem Map is in beta at the moment. The Ecosystem Map enables global changemakers to explore and identify potential allies, contribute to the data, and help map the growing range of movements, organisations, funders, and more who are working to address the climate and ecological crisis. The Ecosystem Map is an online platform designed to facilitate and amplify the work of activists, NGOs and other climate actors looking to find and connect with new collaborators, partners, funders and allies. This database has grown to capture over 1,000 organisations.

You can register here to explore:

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We are a network of over 3,500 people and organisations that lead the way in advancing the stewardship of land, water and nature throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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Join with others who are dedicated to moving us towards sustainable farming and food systems.

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First coming to prominence in 2019, XR is an activist organisation that aims to bring pressure to bear on governments and institutions.

Tell the Truth
Things are getting worse faster than we expected.

Act Now
Those in power aren’t acting quickly enough.

Decide Together
We need change that is decided fairly and transparently. We need a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice.

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A centre for food and farm education – making the links between farm and food and health.

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Fashion Declares! brings together brands, retailers, designers, and other professionals to champion sustainable practices, reduce the environmental footprint of fashion, and bring about a fairer industry for all. We run inspiring in-person events, and trainings and webinars for all within the industry, and campaign for positive action and change.

Our vision? A world where fashion thrives in harmony with our planet and the producers within its supply chains. It’s more than a movement; it’s a commitment to transforming and renewing the fashion industry, from the bottom up.

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Learning to use a sewing machine is empowering. If we learn to use our minds & hands in harmony we can create, we can update, repair & upcycle. By doing this we can empower ourselves & boost feelings of well-being. We can increase dexterity & improve focus. We can learn important life skills & have fun making cool stuff. Fashion Rebellion works with schools and other organisations.

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Fashion Revolution was founded by Carry Somers and Orsola de Castro in the wake of the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013. We have grown to become the world’s largest fashion activism movement, mobilising citizens, brands and policymakers through research, education and advocacy. We are a global movement of people who make the fashion industry work. We are the people who wear clothes. And we are the people who make them. We are designers, academics, writers, business leaders, policymakers, brands, retailers, marketers, producers, makers, workers and fashion lovers. We are the industry and we are the public. We are world citizens. We are Fashion Revolution.

A global fashion industry that conserves and restores the environment and values people over growth and profit.

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Democracy: Reclaiming Local Politics
Peter Macfadyen was part of a group of independents who took control of Frome Town Council in 2011. In his words: “We were a bunch of people who’d never done it before, we got into power and we questioned all the rules, took most of them to pieces, and did things very differently.”Based on his experiences Peter wrote a book, and started a movement, called Flatpack Democracy – helping others to follow the same path and refashion the relationship between community levels of council and communities themselves.

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Transforming mindsets for climate action – working with education, businesses and other organisations.  Platforming young voices.
We help young people turn climate anxiety into action, and work with leaders to drive intergenerational solutions.

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Climate change. Inequality. Nature in crisis.
Unsustainable ways of living and working have got us here. Now it’s time to reset.
Forum for the Future is about change: what it means, why it’s needed and how to do it. We bring a focus on food, energy and business, and a unique blend of futures and systems-wide thinking.
All to reimagine the way the world works for a just and regenerative future. Why not get involved?

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Find a new home for something you no longer need.  A UK organisation aiming to increase reuse and reduce landfill by offering a free Internet-based service where people can give away and ask for things that would otherwise be thrown away.

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We are fighting for our future and our lives because they are directly threatened by the climate crisis and the ecological breakdown. We are taking action against it because we want to protect the beauty of the earth, the diversity of species and the lives of all beings. Our goal is to overcome the climate crisis and to create a society that lives in harmony with its fellow beings and its environment. Join us!

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We’re facing a climate emergency. Climate breakdown affects all of us. From flood-stricken homes in Yorkshire to smouldering forests in Australia, extreme weather events are becoming all too common. And they’re forcing millions of the world’s poorest people from their homes.

We know what our leaders need to do to halt the climate emergency. And we need urgent action now. Time is running out in the fight to protect people and planet.

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Furnace Brook operates as a rural Arts, Ecology & Micro Enterprise Hub where the land and lakes have been managed and reshaped in recent years in response to the climate and ecological emergency, and our disconnect from nature. Furnace Brook CIC operates to support site activities and approaches that are regenerative for the natural world and for the benefit of children living now, and those living in seven generations hence.

The daily activities of the CIC are focused on:

  • The establishment and support of arts and creativity activities based at Furnace Brook
  • Managing the land and lakes at Furnace Brook in order create a sustainable ‘naturally inspiring’ place for visiting individuals and organisations*
  • The provision of support to rural micro enterprises based either at Furnace Brook** or in the nearby locality.
  • The provision of Environmental Education Courses and Learning Experiences.
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These have sprung across the UK, providing training for young people not in employment – and affordable, good quality furniture for people on low incomes.

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At Gaia Education we:

Educate participants of all ages and cultural backgrounds,
Give you the tools to restore balance to our world,
Respond to the interconnected challenges of our modern world,
Share grass-roots practices and wisdom via our learning communities,
Celebrate intentional communities and alternative lifestyles and share practices that are proven successful for the development and regeneration of ourselves and nature,
Restore ecosystems, learning to live in harmony with nature, not against it
Distribute wealth fairly,
Encourage systemic thinking to help you integrate holistic solutions for optimal results,
Improve the quality of life for future generations,
Create communities of change-makers capable of actively transitioning their local communities.

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#Generation Restoration – an emerging youth-led movement/collective connecting people, places, and initiatives operating within the Ecosystem Restoration framework to collaborate and share best practice

  • A new generation of young people and ecopreneurs known as Generation Restoration are putting the planet’s health first.
  • This youth-led movement shows the power of an environmentally savvy generation to bring about real, concrete change towards a healthy planet.
  • To support their efforts, the World Economic Forum is launching the #GenerationRestoration Youth Challenge to support young ecopreneurs.
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Founded in 2017 by husband and wife Jo and James Hand, Giki is an evidence-led B Corp and Social Enterprise. Our mission is to help people take more climate action.

To do this we work with companies to engage their employees on sustainability. Giki has worked with over 100 companies, across sectors and around the world, and we’ve been selected as a UN backed Race to Zero Accelerator for employee engagement.

We believe that there are many people who are ready, and willing, to take climate action but they need information, and inspiration, to help them start today. Our programme combines our team’s experience in sustainability, behaviour change, communications and the best practice we’ve seen from the leading companies worldwide to make this happen.

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We are financing our way into extinction. A combination of deforestation, industrial agriculture and overexploitation of resources is destroying the ecosystems and biodiversity on which we all depend. It is exacerbating climate change and raising the risk of future pandemics. It is destroying the rights and livelihoods of Indigenous and local communities. And it is pushing us ever-closer to dangerous tipping points in the Earth’s system, such as the loss of the Amazon rainforest.

Global Canopy is changing this. We’re a data-driven not for profit that targets the market forces destroying nature. Working with partners around the world, we identify and make accessible the data needed to transition away from this destructive status quo. Our data, metrics and insights are enabling companies, financial institutions and governments to tackle their hidden sustainability risks – while at the same time enabling campaigners and the media to hold to account those that are failing to act.

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The Global Ecovillage Network‘s shared purpose is to link and support ecovillages, educate the world about them, and grow the regenerative movement – to inspire, scale and facilitate communities and people from all walks of life to become active participants in the transition to a resilient and regenerative human presence on Earth.

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Global Forest Watch offers the latest data, technology and tools that empower people everywhere to better protect forests.

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The world is going through a crisis of unprecedented global scale engendered by a dominant regime that has resulted in deepening inequalities, increasing deprivation in old and new forms, the destruction of ecosystems, catastrophic climate change, ruptures in socio-cultural fabrics, and the violent dispossession of living beings.

However, there is an increasing emergence and visibility of an immense variety of radical alternatives to this dominant regime, contesting its roots in capitalist, patriarchal, racist, statist, and anthropocentric forces. These range from initiatives with a specific focus like sustainable and holistic agriculture, community led water/energy/food sovereignty, solidarity and sharing economies, worker control of production facilities, resource/knowledge commons, and inter-ethnic peace and harmony, to more holistic or rounded transformations such as those being attempted by the Zapatista in Chiapas and the Kurds in Rojava. Alternatives also include the revival of ancient traditions and the emergence of new worldviews that re-establish humanity’s place within nature, as a basis for human dignity and equality.

The Global Tapestry of Alternatives (GTA) is an initiative seeking to create solidarity networks and strategic alliances amongst all these alternatives on local, regional and global levels. It locates itself in or helps initiate interactions among alternatives. It operates through varied and light structures, defined in each space, that are horizontal, democratic, inclusive and non-centralized, using diverse local languages and other ways of communicating. The initiative has no central structure or control mechanisms. It spreads step by step as an ever-expanding, complex set of tapestries, woven together by already existing communal or collective webs, building on already existing and new alternatives to dominant regimes. It promotes or joins regional, national and global encounters, when the conditions allow for them, as well as close and synergistic linkages with existing organizations, like the World Social Forum. A Global Tapestry of Alternatives is about creating spaces of collaboration and exchange, in order to learn about and from each other, critically but constructively challenge each other, offer active solidarity to each other whenever needed, interweave the initiatives in common actions, and give them visibility to inspire other people to create their own initiatives. It could facilitate people seeking transformative change going further along existing paths or forging new ones that strengthen alternatives wherever they are, hopefully eventually converging into a critical mass of alternative ways can support the conditions for the radical systemic changes we need.

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We are part of a powerful global movement working to build a future free from the injustice of climate change, and free from the profiteering fossil fuel industry that drives it. By dismantling the power of the fossil fuel industry, we can make space for real climate solutions, and build a future powered by clean, community-led renewable energy.

On the website, you can sign up for email updates, and check out their map to find a local campaign and get involved

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A peer-to-peer support space for people overwhelmed by collective injustices and eco-anxiety/climate grief/eco-distress

Our unique 10-Step Program helps individuals and communities build resilience by creating spaces where people can lean into their painful feelings about the state of the world and reorient their lives toward meaningful action.

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We use the law to create a better, fairer and greener future for the UK.

Good Law Project is a not for profit campaign organisation that uses the law for a better world. We know that the law, in the right hands, can be a fair and decent force for good. It is a practical tool for positive change and can make amazing things happen. We are proud to be primarily funded by members of the public, which keeps us fiercely independent. We want to inspire hope in difficult times by showing that you can make a difference, with the backing of good law. Our mission is to use the law to hold power to account, protect the environment, and ensure no one is left behind.

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Led by Purpose Disruptors and in collaboration with the Insight Climate Collective, Race to Zero, Stories for Life and over 200 industry professionals, Good Life 2030 is a project for the advertising industry to transform both itself and society in service of halving emissions by 2030 through the process of reimagining and redefining what a ‘good life’ looks and feels like, informed by real everyday people.

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The Great Imagining is co-created with young people and works in partnership with experts, creatives, institutions and organisations to create transformative education adventures.

Our vision is for a human paradigm shift towards a Greener, Fairer, Wiser future.

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Since 1973 the Green Party has been leading the way on action to tackle the climate crisis and nature crisis. For five decades we have argued powerfully and persuasively in town halls, Westminster and Europe that rapid economic development, powered by fossil fuels and the pursuit of profit, is damaging people and planet and there must be a transition to a green future.

We have achieved a lot. Yet there is so much more to do in what is a “now or never” decade for climate action. WE URGENTLY NEED MORE GREEN MPS MAKING THE CASE FOR A FAIRER, GREENER COUNTRY

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Greenpeace is a movement of people who are passionate about defending the natural world from destruction. Our vision is a greener, healthier and more peaceful planet, one that can sustain life for generations to come. We are independent. We don’t accept any funding from governments, corporations or political parties – our work is funded by ordinary people. That means we are free to confront governments and corporations responsible for the destruction of the natural world and push for real change.

We do this by investigating, documenting and exposing the causes of environmental destruction. We work to bring about change by lobbying, consumer pressure and mobilising members of the general public. And we take peaceful direct action to protect our Earth and promote solutions for a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace was founded in 1971 by a small group of concerned individuals, who set sail to Amchitka island off the coast of Alaska to try and stop a US nuclear weapons test. Their old fishing boat was called “The Greenpeace”. Today, Greenpeace is present in over 40 countries around the world. Our movement is growing every day and our commitment to realising our vision is as strong as ever.

We find ourselves at a pivotal point in human history now. Climate change is rapidly accelerating and we are feeling the effects of it ever more – in the changes to our air, sea levels and more extreme weather events. The need to act to protect our planet has never been so urgent, yet governments and corporations are still dragging their feet. Our mission is to promote radical changes and new solutions to the ways we live on this planet so that we can all call it home for generations to come.

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Ground Effect is an animist investment vehicle. We represent the interests of life on Earth to realize ecological and spiritual renewal.

In our worldview the Earth is vividly alive, we are alive with it, and everything is kin. This inspires our two central objectives:

1. To reunify humans as “nature,” and

2. To advance an animist worldview of interdependence between all beings

We support initiatives that place Earth’s living systems at the center of human economic and ethical considerations. This brings us into an active dialogue with emerging questions of how nature will be financialized, valued and priced. 

To approach this enquiry we set aside human exceptionalism, striving to include the perspectives of ecosystems, species and life-processes in our mindful capital deployment. Our investment commitment is to lend credence to daring undertakings that give nature and its stewards visibility and empowerment. We work to promote nature’s agency and regeneration within financial, political and technological systems. We do so with a sensitivity to how quantifying nature to satisfy market mechanisms could lead to its further abstraction, risking the alienation of humans from the aliveness of the world, and reducing our inheritance of billions of years of evolved life into an agreeable metric.

As Ground Effect, we seek to practice and advance multiple ways of seeing, feeling and relating to a wider planetary community of beings. We are electrified by the challenge of listening to, translating and embodying Earth’s many intelligences. This is how we try to humbly correct for the voicelessness and subordination of the larger web of life.

Our human bodies are thrillingly capable of perceiving and communing with all of life. We strive to awaken biophilia — the innate instinct to lovingly connect with the nature that we are — and to re-enchant humans to the beauty of the world.

With these principles, our aim is to conscientiously seek long-term environmental, social, and spiritual returns, guided by a profound reverence for the interconnectedness of all the beings of our biosphere.

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People all over the world who get together to grow with others in unloved spaces and make their local neighbourhoods greener.

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We are a group of Hertfordshire residents who believe that we are facing existential threats brought about by climate change and other associated predicaments.

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In 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provided a comprehensive plan for a sustainable world by 2030. However, progress is not happening fast enough, and we urgently need to increase our collective abilities to face and work effectively with complex challenges.

IDG is a non-profit, open-source initiative committed to fostering inner development towards more sustainable futures. We research, collect, and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives.

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Just one of the many offerings by Phoebe Tickell and her team.  Find out more about Imagination Activism here:

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How can we make companies accountable for their impact on the planet?

We reinvent the way we measure them.

Behind Impaakt, came years of work inside some of the largest financial institutions in the world. Yes, you read that right, our community founders came from the finance world. Surprising? It shouldn’t be. Investors steer capital to companies all over the world that profoundly impact our everyday lives. Those companies are the largest contributors to environmental & social issues and thus hold a great deal of power over the progress toward a sustainable future. With the right investment companies having a positive impact on the planet are able to flourish. And those having a negative impact are challenged to change or risk having investors put their capital elsewhere.

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An organisation focusing on helping communities to grow and share good food.

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Founded on the eve of the Paris Agreement in 2015, we are a global non-profit think tank working on the cutting edge of climate and sustainability issues. Our mission is to facilitate ambitious action by corporations and governments globally to address the climate and biodiversity crises. We do this by generating innovative analysis for use by investors, corporations, policymakers, campaigns, and a range of other influential actors, as well as being a trusted and widely covered resource for the global media. Our two work streams, LobbyMap and FinanceMap, are world-renowned platforms that respectively hold the corporate and finance sectors accountable for climate performance. InfluenceMap is philanthropically funded and based in London, with offices in New York, Tokyo, and Seoul.

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Convening a global conversation on the inner skills and qualities that matter.

The IDG Framework gives us a language to address the question of how humans can create a future worth living in.

In 2015, all members of the United Nations agreed on 17 goals to build a world of peace, dignity and prosperity on a healthy planet.

We are convinced that understanding and building inner skills is critical for developing a sustainable future for humanity and planet.

To understand these across the globe, we are convening a global conversation and helping shape a language for us to speak about the human potential to shape the change we need.

You can join in the conversation, and help to shape how these goals and skills are shared.



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Founded in 2007, Inside Climate News is a US-based, Pulitzer Prize-winning, nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that provides essential reporting and analysis on climate change, energy and the environment, for the public and for decision makers. We serve as watchdogs of government, industry and advocacy groups and hold them accountable for their policies and actions.

We have earned national recognition for our work and many of the most prestigious awards in journalism, including the Pulitzer. Already one of the largest dedicated environmental newsrooms in the country, ICN, through its local reporting networks, is committed to training the next generation of journalists, and to strengthening the practice of environmental and justice journalism.

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Insure Our Future is a global campaign of NGOs and social movements that hold the insurance industry accountable for its role in the climate crisis. We call on insurance companies to immediately stop insuring new fossil fuels and phase out support for existing coal, oil and gas projects.

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We work to make public participation and deliberation an everyday part of our democracy, and help solve the big challenges of our time. Our mission is to develop, support and campaign for new ways of involving people in the decisions that affect their lives.

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Julie’s Bicycle works with Arts Council England to deliver an ambitious Environmental Programme. It provides resources, tools, and training to support cultural organisations to take climate action. We aim to empower the sector to rise to the challenges the climate crises presents, and to accelerate and scale our collective response.

The programme is for National Portfolio Organisations (NPOs), Investment Principle Organisations (IPSOs), but if you are from the wider cultural sector we’re also here to support you. Many of the resources from the programme are free and available to anyone working in arts and culture.

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A non-profit removing CO2 from the atmosphere through global reforestation. We make it simple for individuals, schools and businesses to plant trees. Together let’s combat climate change.

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We are being lied to. We need to face up to the scale of the crisis that we are facing. Everything we know and love is threatened by the breakdown of our climate. Our economy, our homes our way of life. You, me, scientists, press, politicians, educators… everyone needs to face up to the reality of what is being done to us.

Every one of us feels alone in this. But when we come together, then we can start to grapple with the challenge of our lifetimes. When we come together we are powerful, and we can create meaningful change and make history. We come to talks and events, we cook and eat together, we train in nonviolent action and when we are ready we join our local group and take action.

This is how civil resistance works: applying nonviolent pressure until we force change to happen. It’s how the Freedom Riders forced an end to segregated buses in 1961. It’s how disabled people won accessible transport in the nineties. It’s how we’ll win and force this criminal government to act on the unfolding climate disaster by stopping new oil and gas. No-one’s going to save us, we need to come together to do that for ourselves.

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A union of farmers, foresters and growers supporting agroecological approaches and opposing the industrialisation of agriculture.

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Larger Us is a community of change-makers who share the aim of bridging divides rather than deepening them, who want to transform relationships rather than defeat enemies, and who recognise that achieving these things is about psychology as much as politics.

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Inspired by the Pope Francis, this is a large and diverse multi-faith set of projects designed to protect the Earth.

The Earth now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her. We have come to see ourselves as her lords and masters, entitled to plunder her at will. The violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, in the air and in all forms of life. This is why the earth herself, burdened and laid waste, is among the most abandoned and maltreated of our poor; she “groans in travail” (Rom 8:22). We have forgotten that we ourselves are dust of the earth (cf. Gen 2:7); our very bodies are made up of her elements, we breathe her air and we receive life and refreshment from her waters (Laudato Si 2.)”.

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A group of prominent lawyers are taking action in solidarity with all those on the frontline of the climate and ecological crises, in particular the younger generations, the peoples of the global South and those prosecuted and imprisoned for peaceful acts of conscience.

Lawyers Are Responsible aims to align the UK legal system with planetary conditions that are liveable for current and future generations by:

(i) delegitimising (whether through cultural, legal or regulatory means) legal and judicial support for acts which, according to the best available science, jeopardise the conditions which make the planet liveable; and

(ii) legitimising the acts of those who peacefully resist such conduct.

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Our work is at the intersections of mental health, social justice, and environmentalism to bring positive transformation, equity and healing for the Earth, ourselves, and our communities. Our goal is to increase access to and knowledge about Ecotherapy for Everyone for peace and justice.

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Since 2014, we’ve been on a mission to make borrowing better than buying for people & planet – more affordable, convenient, socially-rewarding & kinder to the planet.
Buying stuff from Amazon or Argos is convenient – but consumerism isn’t working for us, our purses or our planet.

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A charity that campaigns to make our streets better for walking and wheeling.

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Local Futures is a pioneer of the worldwide localization movement.

We raise awareness about the power of ‘going local’ as a key strategy for restoring ecological, social and spiritual wellbeing. Our films, books, toolkits, blog, podcast, webinars, workshops, conferences and campaigns are helping to build an international movement for systemic change.

Return to top. has a mission to help people live more sustainably. But biodiversity loss and global warming have grown rapidly, and are accelerating, with nothing in place to stop them.

We’re living through dangerous times. Below is a huge resource bank for gaining the skills for low-impact living, self-provisioning, preparing for a very different future, and joining the commons economy. Information is provided in partnership with a network of like-minded people, businesses & organisations.

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Make My Money Matter works to transform the financial system, so it puts people and planet on a par with profit. There are trillions of pounds in UK pensions and banks – we believe that money should be moved from the destructive, harmful investments of the past, into those which help build a future we can be proud of.

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a place of skill-sharing and informal learning, of individual pursuits and community projects.

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The planet is facing a critical time. Two in five plant species are threatened with extinction, with huge implications for the future of all ecosystems.

The Seed Collection at the Millennium Seed Bank (MSB) is the most diverse wild plant species genetic resource in the world, with over 2.4 billion seeds representing almost 40,000 different species. Seed banks are a cost-effective tool for long-term ex-situ (away from their natural habitat) plant conservation. Collections are dried and frozen, preserved for the future. They provide an insurance policy against the threats plants face in the wild.

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Moral Imaginations, led by Phoebe Tickell, are doing amazing work around a concept called Imagination Activism. The link here tells the story of our work with a London council to build “Imagination Activism” throughout the organisation, rippling out into the local borough to work with communities. Over 8 weeks, Moral Imaginations trained 32 Camden council officers, from repairs to planners, in a course designed to expand their imaginations and equip them with tools to be ambassadors for the imagination within the organisation. People learned how to include future generations in decision-making, ask the question ‘What would Nature say, if Nature had a voice?’, and stand up to business as usual, building the confidence to speak up for what they believe matters.

Imagination Activism is an approach which trains people to build and stretch their imaginations to think and see differently and create new systems from those perspectives. It is about shifting perception and translating that into action that wasn’t previously deemed possible.

The training unleashed a wave of energy and change throughout the council, built psychological safety, and grew long-term, ethical thinking. We are now working with Camden to embed this thinking into the governance of the organisation, bringing future generations, nature and ancestors into decision making, and expanding out the training to others, including Camden’s senior leadership, to continue building the movement.

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MovingBeyond is an initiative that brings together leaders from business, government, charity and voluntary sectors to accelerate the UK’s response to climate change and build a more sustainable way of life. Each part of the overall social, economic and environmental system is dependent on each other. We look to move beyond paradigms that keep us separate and stuck at a personal, organisation and system level. We’re on a 10-year journey – moving beyond biases and stepping into communities to experience issues faced by different parts of the country.

Sound like something you could get involved in?

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MovingBeyond is an initiative that brings together leaders from business, government, charity and voluntary sectors to accelerate the UK’s response to climate change and build a more sustainable way of life. Each part of the overall social, economic and environmental system is dependent on each other. We look to move beyond paradigms that keep us separate and stuck at a personal, organisation and system level. We’re on a 10-year journey – moving beyond biases and stepping into communities to experience issues faced by different parts of the country. Sound like something you could get involved in?

We recognise ‘activism’ works at all levels – within government, investors, business, and wider society. We know its mission critical that our inner activist needs to be nourished and taken care of, in order for us to go out in the world and do what needs to be done. The journey is hard. The path is far from clear. For us to create a brave new world, we need to sense that we’re all in it together. This is what MovingBeyond is all about.

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Local MP Watch groups of concerned constituents, share their fears for the future with their representatives, draw attention to relevant information and encourage MPs to work to raise standards of integrity. On the environmental front, we encourage them to join groups such as the Conservative Environment Network, Socialist Environment, Resources Association, Labour Climate and Environmental Forum and UK100. We are pleased to ally with MPs and engage as critical friends. If all else fails, we will work to remove MPs we believe to be the greatest moral hazard or who block action on Net Zero.

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The Mycelium Map connects people in their local communities to take action on climate change. It provides a comprehensive mapping and listing of local climate action groups in the Chiltern area, from small neighbourhood initiatives to large-scale organisations. With the Mycelium Map, you can find the groups closest to you, learn more about their activities and join their efforts to tackle the climate-nature crisis.

When people see how many support organisations are springing up to help decelerate the climate-nature emergency, a wider sense of confidence can replace the current sense of powerlessness. We don’t need to wait for a peaceful, grassroots, climate-nature movement to happen: we are already here! And the Mycelium Map makes this reality visible.

Who is it for?
Green community organisations, sustainability-focused SMEs, faith groups, schools, local councils and the public: in other words, everyone who lives in the area. As the climate-nature crisis presses ever closer, and climate anxiety spreads, communities need support to become more resilient both in practical and psychological ways. The Mycelium Map helps communities grow stronger and greener fast, by joining the green dots.

And all this high-quality promotion is available to community groups via the Map for free.

The Map is also for green companies. Businesses would also strongly benefit being on the Mycelium Map because it provides them (as explained above) not only with convenient, low-cost promotion but ‘warm leads’, since their goods and services are being seen by individuals and members of community groups actively interested in greener ways of living.

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A way to find information about opportunities about volunteering in your area.

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They publish several very good reports on the state of preparedness in the UK.

The National Preparedness Commission (NPC) is an independent and non-political body, whose fundamental objective is to promote policies and actions to help the UK be significantly better prepared to avoid, mitigate, respond to, and recover from major shocks, threats and challenges.

In recent years a series of high-impact events have demonstrated how easily our established way of life can be disrupted by major events.  Covid-19 not only brought wide-ranging economic consequences but has changed societal norms and working arrangements including the balance between citizens and their governments. The tectonic plates of geopolitics have also shifted in recent times.  Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, coups in former African colonies and events in the Levant have all piled pressure on the post-WWII rules-based world order, while climate change is adding an, as yet, uncontrollable degree of uncertainty to governments and societies.

As a result we face new demands on how we strengthen ourselves, our physical, social and IT infrastructures, and our economic and financial systems, to cope and adapt to whatever arises. Individually and in combination, they affect how we mitigate and prepare to respond to the risks we face as a nation. The National Preparedness Commission was created to promote better readiness for a major crisis or incident – seeking to achieve this by supporting policy change and other activities that will enable the UK to prevent, withstand, recover and ‘build back better’ from major disruptions. The Commission’s work is both strategic and practical.  Recognising that what is needed to be better prepared for many shocks is the same whatever the initiating crisis or incident, we believe a ‘threat agnostic’ ‘whole system’ approach to preparedness is needed alongside the existing focus on specific known risks.  We think the time has come to stop merely ‘admiring the problem’, and to bring decision-makers and experts from different sectors together to tackle issues head on, and harness collective capability and insight.

Preparedness is everyone’s business, and it will take the participation of every element of society to respond to the challenge. The National Preparedness Commission is committed to enabling a better-prepared UK.

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A resource site by Alan Heeks, author of ‘Natural Happiness: Use Organic Gardening Skills to Cultivate Yourself’.

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All NZLA Members commit to: (1) reducing operational emissions by at least 50% by 2030 from 2019 levels; (2) contributing pro bono time to projects to achieve climate objectives; (3) building capacity among all their lawyers; and (4) providing net zero aligned advice.

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Pioneered by Jon Alexander, author of the book “Citizens”.

When we think of ourselves as citizens rather than consumers, we’re more likely to participate, volunteer and come together to make our society stronger. That’s why our mission at New Citizenship Project is to catalyse a shift to a more participatory, citizen-led society. We call it the #CitizenShift. We create participatory strategies, cultures and projects that invite people to step into their power as citizens.

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Narratives are powerful and they have a subtle yet tremendous influence on how we perceive the world, structure our society, and make choices in our daily lives. By examining our social narratives we can begin to see the silent forces at play and understand the power of creating “new narratives” towards a world that’s more equitable, sustainable, and fulfilling for all.

The primary purpose of the New Narrative is to take a critical look at the social narratives that guide our world and create a dialogue on whether or not these narratives serve us, and if not, what new narratives we can create in their place. A big part of this process is storytelling. By understanding and sharing our own stories and experiences, we can begin to see the narratives that have had the most influence on us, craft new stories, and shape the world towards the narratives we share.

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Supports people taking action to bring about change in the world.

They believe that poverty, inequality, climate change and disease are all symptoms of injustice that need to change.

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A charity, where the aim is for everyone in towns and cities across the UK to be within walking distance of a thriving, community-run orchard.  They offer skills training, and are looking for volunteers.

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Our Kids’ Climate believes all children today and tomorrow should inherit a healthy planet and just world, rooted in renewable energy and built through intergenerational solidarity. We aim to catalyze, support and enable effective strategies to advance bold and diverse climate action through a parent, intergenerational, and family friendly lens. We work to build the strength and capacity of the growing parent and intergenerational movement worldwide.

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Parents For Future UK has a network of over 25,000 supporters. We act through building a resilient community, peaceful actions, and creative communications. All our campaigning is rooted in the latest climate science.

Formed in 2019 by a small group of mums, our aim was to inspire and engage more adults to join in the youth climate strikes. We realised that the climate crisis will impact all children, that leaders aren’t doing enough to protect our kids and that parents have power if we work together. Today we are the biggest parent climate movement in the UK – and growing fast. We value diverse ideas and voices and have built a supportive, inclusive, thriving community online and offline, with over 25 local groups across the UK.

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People Get Real was established in June 2023 by former journalist and communications adviser Marc Lopatin, and chartered management accountant and sustainability consultant Helena Farstad. We met one another while supporting the UK-based Climate Majority Project, where much of the thinking behind People Get Real was incubated.

As deep critics of the existing mainstream narrative on climate action, we use audience insight and campaign methods to help shift the existing consensus which we argue stands in the way of meaningful action for the betterment of all. Our aim is to agitate for a collective response to climate breakdown and ecological destruction, capable of limiting the danger currently posed to civilisation. We understand this might be a difficult truth for scientists, campaigners, business leaders and politicians, to accept. But refusing to publicly call time on implausible climate targets, is costing the world precious response time to the environmental crisis.

It is why, in our view, widespread public concern does not extend to anything like a citizen-led insistence that governments honour the multilateral climate targets they signed up to.

Fortunately, the results of a nationally representative survey, that we commissioned from Ipsos in September 2023, offers hope going forwards. As Sir Bob Watson says in his foreword to our report, the poll findings read like a vote of no confidence in our collective response to climate breakdown.  You can download the full report from the website.

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The People’s Plan for Nature is a plan created for the people, by the people of the UK – a vision for the future of nature, and the actions we must all take to protect and renew it.

With input from thousands of people from across the UK, the People’s Plan for Nature calls for urgent, immediate action – from governments, businesses, charities, organisations, farmers and communities – to protect and fundamentally change how we value nature.

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Designing a resilient future together. Permaculture is more than just a different way to garden. It’s a fresh perspective inspired by nature that helps us make better-informed choices which give the planet and its people the best chance at flourishing.

At the Permaculture Association, we are pushing permaculture to new frontiers, connecting people and places to make change happen and grow the permaculture community.

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Perspectiva is a community of expert generalists working on an urgent one hundred year project to improve the relationships between systems, souls and society in theory and practice. We are scholars, artists, activists, futurists and seekers who believe credible hope for the first truly planetary civilisation lies in forms of economic restraint and political cooperation that are beyond prevailing epistemic capacities and spiritual sensibilities.

Our charitable purpose is therefore to develop an applied philosophy of education for individual and collective realisation in the service of averting societal collapse; and in the spirit of serious play and ambitious humility to cultivate the imaginative and emotional capacity required to usher in a world that is, at the very least, technologically wise and ecologically sound. We believe the world’s major challenges stem from a crisis of perception and imagination, and the failure of political culture to honour the fullness of reality. We are fascinated by the myriad ways in which our tacitly held worldviews shape our judgement, and how spiritual needs for security, meaning and purpose indirectly create political and economic outcomes.

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In the last 25 years we’ve supported over 700 UK community-owned businesses with free, expert advice, training and funding.

Based on the belief that people are stronger together, the Plunkett Foundation supports community shops, pubs and businesses.

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Founded by Thomas Huebl, The Pocket Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to growing a culture of trauma-informed care. We develop training, consulting and social impact projects that contribute to the global restoration movement. ​We provide education and consultancy to drive the widespread adoption of trauma-informed approaches across communities, organizations, and government bodies. We spread trauma-informed care, understanding that individual healing is inseparable from collective healing. Both are necessary to address the great challenges of our times.

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We are a not-for-profit organisation and our mission is to connect businesses to nature so that both can thrive. We run monthly networking events to facilitate education, collaboration and action to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises.

The Positive Nature Network brings together contributors around the globe to share nature-positive approaches to business and shines a light on local regeneration projects to rally help or funding. Do you have a sustainability plan in mind? Or are you looking to get involved in your local community?

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Our Mission
Founded in 2003, Post Carbon Institute’s mission is to lead the transition to a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable world by providing individuals and communities with the resources needed to understand and respond to the interrelated ecological, economic, energy, and equity crises of the 21st century.

Our Vision
We envision a world where resilient, just, and sustainable communities coexist with nature, thrive within ecological bounds, and provide greater protection for both human and non-human lives.

The Issues We Address
Humanity is experiencing a dangerous confluence of crises in interrelated environmental and social systems—a ‘polycrisis’ that threatens the underpinnings of modern civilization. Post Carbon Institute believes that the best way to confront this challenge is to build awareness of (a) the polycrisis, its drivers, and its trajectory, and (b) community resilience-building as an ideal response. Our specific areas of focus are:

The Big Picture. The interrelated crises of the 21st century can’t be solved with simple technical adjustments. Understanding and responding to them intelligently requires us to think in terms of systems.
The Great Unraveling. Humanity is entering the Great Unraveling—a time which individual impacts are compounding to threaten the very environmental and social systems that support modern human civilization.
Community Resilience. A resilient community is one that can maintain its essential identity while adapting to change. Building community resilience is a critical response to the sustainability crises of the 21st century.
The Energy Transition. We can no longer ignore the ever-rising financial, social, and environmental costs of fossil fuels; nor can we ignore questions about what a truly renewable energy future will look like.
Limits to Growth. The sustainability challenges humanity faces are interrelated facets of one essential truth: the planet can not support ever-more economic growth and resource consumption.

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Pioneered by Jack Cooper, a former climate-activist, the Postcode Revolution is a way of encouraging hyper-local resilient communities. It’s a movement of people communicating with their neighbours to form resilient, low energy communities. Postcode Revolution aims to go beyond polarisation, respecting differences and focuses on building relationships based on common goals and pragmatic action in our neighbourhoods. The link here will take you to a googledoc that offers a Community Toolkit.

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The Progress Playbook focuses on proven ideas for a better world. We cover the policies and projects that are succeeding in driving sustainable development, and that could be replicated elsewhere in the world. This publication is intended to be a resource for policymakers, business leaders, civil society organisations, and ordinary citizens.

We commit to publishing only well-researched, objective and accurate information.

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A new world is emerging. As individuals, organizations, and changemakers, we have committed ourselves to transformational change. However, our work is often caught in a cycle between hope and despair, action and inaction, connection and disconnection. To break that cycle, we need to find a new way.

A way of leading while the world wakes up.

An excellent resource and toolkit to support those who have chosen to be leader-guides at this time.

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As Psychologists for Future / Psychotherapists for Future (Psy4F) we apply our psychological and psychotherapeutic expertise towards:

  • the rapid and comprehensive resolution of the socio-ecological crises;
  • the promotion of a sustainable, healthy, democratic, socially and globally just future.

The ruthless exploitation of ecosystems, living beings and resources is becoming more and more drastically evident in multiple crises: among others, the climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis, the destruction of nature, environmental pollution, large-scale animal cruelty and resource crises. This has strong societal disruptive potential and far-reaching social consequences such as increasing conflicts, bigotry, psychological distress, diseases, poverty, hunger, forced migration, disputes about the distribution of resources, or wars. This presents a severe danger to democracies worldwide. Our livelihoods and future are under considerable threat.

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Supporting people emotionally in facing the climate reality. Our purpose is to contribute psychological understanding and support within the community, helping people face the difficult climate reality.

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At this moment in time, radical change is needed. We must transform society at every level to halve emissions by 2030. But the advertising marketing and communications industry helps create a culture of consumerism which is contributing more than ever to the climate crisis. We believe our industry can redirect its creative superpowers to help drive sustainable behaviour and rapidly transform society. Our vision is of an advertising industry transformed in service of a thriving future. We believe we can get there. Like many good ideas, Purpose Disruptors started in a pub. Three like-minded climate-concerned industry insiders met to discuss the question:

The better I am at my job the worse I’m making the climate crisis, what do I do about that?

Lisa, Rob and Jonathan founded Purpose Disruptors, to start the conversation and help create change from within the industry. In three years we’ve built a network of 4,000 industry insiders, premiered work at COP26 and COP27, been recognised as Campaign Magazine’s Trailblazers in 2021, and shared work at over 50 events including Cannes Lions and AdWeek Europe.

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The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-profit organization working at the intersection of business, agriculture, and forests to make responsible business the new normal. We are building an alliance to protect forests, improve the livelihoods of farmers and forest communities, promote their human rights, and help them mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis.

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Re-Action amplifies the voice and impact of sustainability pioneers in the outdoor sports sector. We build our impact by engaging with existing outdoor sports communities.

How? Through a collective of kindred spirits. Working together we share the know-how to drive the future of conscious outdoor gear. Our members rescue products, revive them through repair and rebranding and repurpose them. They then redistribute items through resale, rental and donation and reallocate profits to regenerate the outdoors. Together, we make getting outdoors, running, cycling, climbing, surfing, sailing and participating in snow sports more affordable and accessible.

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The Refugee Council is a leading charity working with refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK. Founded in 1951 following the creation of the UN Refugee Convention, we exist to support and empower people who have fled conflict, violence and persecution in order to rebuild their lives here in the UK.

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Regeneration is the radically new approach to the climate crisis, one that weaves justice, climate, biodiversity, and human dignity into a seamless tapestry of action, policy, and transformation that can end the climate crisis in one generation.

We are a team endeavoring to create a comprehensive list of Solutions and Challenges connected to addressing the climate emergency and regenerating planetary ecosystems. These are more than just descriptions. Each Nexus entry explores what can be done on all levels of agency, including individual, community, classroom, city, company, and government. For each topic, we curate organizations that are actively engaged, describe actions that can be taken, link to educational opportunities, and provide examples of transformation. We work collectively and collaboratively and are here to share our research and discoveries with you.

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Farming with Nature helps build resilience to our changing climate as well as reducing the severity of climate change.  It can take vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through natural processes. Its nature-friendly methods allow wildlife to return to our countryside, and improve the welfare of farm animals. Healthier soils mean healthier food for us to eat, and a landscape more resilient to floods and drought. We explain how and why all this is important, and support people to grow food and farm regeneratively.

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A network of voluntary, community based repair groups and networks. This includes Repair Cafes, Restart Parties, Share & Repair, etc.

Our mission is to strengthen and support grassroots repair in the UK.

Use their website to find your nearest repair cafe/repair shop – or start your own!

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RetrofitReimagined – a series of festivals bringing together neighbours, practitioners, and organisers from across the UK to discuss the role of retrofit in the future of decarbonising our built environment.

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Rewilding offers hope. In a nutshell, it is the large-scale restoration of nature until it can take care of itself – and us – again. It’s about restoring nature’s remarkable web of life, including habitats, natural processes and, where appropriate, missing species.

Rewilding Britain wants to see rewilding flourishing across Britain, reconnecting us with nature, sustaining communities, and tackling the climate emergency and extinction crisis.

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We want to make Europe a wilder place. It is our mission to demonstrate the benefits of wilder nature through the rewilding of diverse European landscapes, and to inspire and enable others to engage in rewilding by providing tools and practical expertise.

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Help to restore, protect and care for the places our wildlife call home. Get closer to the nature you care about at over 170 RSPB reserves. By joining, you’ll help us protect wildlife for generations to come.

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The Soil Association is the charity joining forces with nature for a better future: a world with good health, in balance with nature, and a safe climate.

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We are a diverse network of fellows and associates dedicated to delivering innovative systems solutions to the world’s most pressing problems through research, training, events and consultancy. We seek to:

  • Contribute to the transformation of society, so that countries and communities can converge to similar levels of development within the limits of the earth’s resources, and with increasing equity for people today and for future generations.
  • Help people prepare for a future in which disruptive change will happen with increasing speed, and will demand a high degree of adaptability.
  • Build on the ideas expressed in the works of E. F. Schumacher, particularly working with nature, appropriate technology at the right scale, meaningful work, people-centred development, local actions, peace and non-violent approaches.
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Sea Shepherd’s sole mission is to protect and conserve the world’s oceans and marine wildlife. We work to defend all marine wildlife, from whales and dolphins, to sharks and rays, to fish and krill, without exception. Serving as the only fleet in the world whose sole purpose is to protect all marine wildlife, we are committed to the protection and enforcement of conservation law.

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A range of projects and resources to help communities, individuals and NHS health professionals with resilience to climate change.  Resources on community-building.

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We work globally to improve the conservation status of sharks, skates and rays. Advocating for policy changes. And generating collective action to support our goals.

Sharks have lived in our oceans for over 400 million years. Well before even the dinosaurs roamed the earth! Worldwide there are over 500 species of shark, 600 skates and rays and 50 chimaera. All unique and amazing in their own ways, and perfectly adapted to the environment in which they live! You can find them in almost every marine ecosystem on earth. Including freshwater!

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Slow Food is a global movement acting together to ensure good, clean and fair food for all. Founded in Italy in 1986, we are now active in more than 160 countries.  It has a large focus on bio-diversity.

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Slow Ways is an initiative to create a national network of walking routes connecting all of Great Britain’s towns and cities as well as thousands of villages.

Using existing paths, ways, trails and roads, people can use Slow Ways routes to walk or wheel between neighbouring settlements, and combine them to create longer distance trips. It’s designed to make it easier for people to imagine, plan and go on walking journeys.

There are currently over 8,000 Slow Ways stretching for over 120,000km. This network of routes was created by 700 volunteers during the Spring 2020 lockdown, creating a unique Slow Ways map in the process.


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We are a sub-group of Sopwell Residents Association – growing environmental sustainability and community resilience on our patch.

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The environmental crisis is at heart a spiritual crisis.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the ecological crisis and want to move from feeling uncertain, anxious and disconnected from nature then Soul Rewilding is for you. We facilitate immersive experiences in sacred nature, together with coaching support and restorative activity to build hope, personal agency and the solidarity of community.

Immersive experiences to reconnect us to the sacredness of nature
There is a joy, a calm, a sense of transcendence that comes from being immersed in the beauty of wild nature. We all know and love that feeling. Yet the stories we tell ourselves and our modern way of life can cut us off from that awe for the sacred wildness of nature and our own inner wildness and soulfulness.

The ecological crisis is a spiritual crisis
The belief that we are separate from nature, superior to other than human life, that nature is solely a resource for exploitation, consumer convenience, material success, efficiency, speed. All these beliefs, or modern “idols” and ways of being in the world are causing us to kill the very thing that has given birth to us, that we love and depend upon, mother earth. The environmental crisis, loss of biodiversity and climate change is at heart a spiritual crisis afflicting the soul of humanity.

Re discovering an older story to reconnect us to sacred natureto relearn a new spirituality and humility that reconnects us to the sacredness of the earth and all other than human life.


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Source Nine started life in 2022 when an insights industry legend (Vincent Nolan of 2CV & Mermaid Gin) and transformative learning specialist (Rob Harrison-Plastow) met whilst helping climate campaigners to change tack and connect with larger audiences. They talked about how much of marketing had gotten lost in a sea of Big Data, AI and a focus on digital tactics.

How empathy was missing as a result of so many online echo chambers. And how now, more than ever, we needed new ways of looking at audiences and ourselves that were deeply human.

So they set about creating something different. A strategic insights company that helps good people do great things with emotion.

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The South East Climate Alliance (SECA) is a coalition of local environmental, community and faith groups from the South East of England uniting for urgent action on climate change and biodiversity loss. It acts as an informal umbrella group and has been set up to share ideas and coordinate action. Click on the video for a short introduction on how we were formed, and what we do.

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Stable Planet Alliance and its members are enabling new public policies and public narratives to bend the curve on population and consumption and reduce our impact on our planet and climate. We work through collaborative policy leadership and the amplification of civil society voices globally to develop an implement a five-year strategic plan engaging UN development staff, key member nations and blocs, and key NGOs, on new goals that support a healthy, stable, sustainable population, and a culture of material sufficiency rather than excess and waste.

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“ECOCIDE” is a word to describe what is happening to our planet; the mass damage and destruction of the natural living world. It literally means “killing one’s home”.
And right now, in most of the world, no-one is held responsible. It’s time to change the rules. It’s time to protect our home. We are working, together with a growing global network of lawyers, diplomats, and across all sectors of civil society, towards making ecocide an international crime.

“The rules of our world are laws, and they can be changed. Laws can restrict or they can enable. What matters is what they serve. Many of the laws in our world serve property – they are based on ownership. But imagine a law that has a higher moral authority… a law that puts people and planet first. Imagine a law that starts from first do no harm, that stops this dangerous game and takes us to a place of safety….” Polly Higgins, 2015

“We need to change the rules.” Greta Thunberg, 2019

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A campaign dedicated to Stop Rosebank.  Rosebank is a planned new oil field 80 miles off the Shetland coast in the North Atlantic. The UK government has approved Norwegian oil giant and Britain’s biggest gas supplier Equinor’s application to start developing the Rosebank oil field. At nearly 500m barrels,2 Rosebank is the UK’s biggest undeveloped oil and gas field – dwarfing the nearby Cambo oil field, which drew huge protests in 2021. Ninety percent of Rosebank’s reserves are oil, not gas. Like 80% of all North Sea oil,3 the majority of Rosebank’s oil is expected to be put in tankers and exported for refining overseas, with only some sold back to the UK at market price. Rosebank’s oil will not lower UK fuel bills.

The UK public, however, would carry almost all the costs of developing Rosebank. Thanks to the UK government’s oil and gas subsidies, the UK public would hand over roughly £3 billion in tax breaks to Rosebank’s owners just to develop the field. Burning Rosebank’s oil and gas would produce over 200 million tonnes of CO2.5 To put this into context, the climate pollution from Rosebank’s reserves would be more than the combined annual CO2 emissions of all 28 low-income countries in the world, including Uganda, Ethiopia and Mozambique. In other words, emissions from this one UK field would be more than those created by the 700 million people in the world’s poorest countries in a year. These are among the same countries that have contributed the least to the climate crisis but are already experiencing the worst impacts of a warming planet. The emissions created just from extracting the oil from Rosebank would see the oil and gas industry blow past emissions reductions targets.

Rosebank’s development could also harm our seas and the diverse marine life they support: from delicate coral gardens to rare, deep sea sponges; from clams that live to hundreds of years old, to whales and dolphins. The development would see a pipeline laid through a protected area of the North Sea.

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Since 2012, The Surefoot Effect has been helping communities, businesses and governments put sustainability and resilience at the heart of what they do.

Surefoot has been set up as a Community Interest Company to support a community of practice working with values-based change methods to protect the environment and promote social justice. We work in ways that are inclusive and participatory. Why The Surefoot Effect? Read The story behind Surefoot’s name and logo.

We work with a great variety of experienced partners and collaborators.

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Provider of bespoke training in sustainability.  Our purpose is to inspire learning and empower change. Our vision is to redefine professional learning and development. Our mission is to empower professionals to make the world a better place by delivering the most comprehensive, authoritative and engaging learning platform in the world.

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An organisation committed to feeding everyone ethically, sustainably and healthily.

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One of the most important things we can all do is talk about climate change in our daily lives – climate conversations play a huge role in creating social change. We take our cues about what’s important from what we hear our family, friends, colleagues and neighbours talking about. Politicians need strong social consent to implement successful climate policies.

But talking about climate change, especially beyond the green bubble, is hard. That’s why we’ve produced an evidence-based, practical guide to help make those conversations easier and more meaningful – and to come out of them feeling inspired and connected. Our ‘Talking climate handbook‘ is the result of a collaboration with EIT Climate-KIC. It is partly based on a citizen science project with over 550 individuals from over 50 countries. Participants joined several training webinars (see below) and fed back the results of their conversations to the project team.

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Current climate change education is inadequate. Students aren’t being prepared to face the effects of climate change, or taught to understand the solutions.

The UK education system needs to be reformed around climate justice and sustainability. We are calling on politicians to take bold steps towards preparing students for the changing world. Join us!

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One week. Together. To make sense of the defining crisis of our time.
To get ready for the defining adventure of our time.
The environment is breaking down and the climate is changing rapidly. The Week is a group experience to help us see what’s coming and what we can do about it.

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This is Rigged is a direct action campaign targeting the Scottish government’s lack of action on both the climate and cost-of-living crisis. The multitude of crises we face today are extremely interlinked and cannot be tackled in isolation. We are demanding that supermarkets slash the price of baby products, the Scottish government fully fund a community hub per 500 households and the Scottish government create a fully funded just transition for oil workers into renewables.

​The system is rigged against the people. But time and time again, in Scotland and around the world, ordinary people have stood up against corruption and injustice. From Mary Barbour and the rent strikes to the crofters, to the shipyards at the poll tax-Scotland has a long, proud history of resistance.

​Right now, oil companies are pushing Scots into poverty while they pollute our land, supermarkets are inflating prices so people can’t afford to eat and the climate crisis is decimating people’s lives and livelihoods, while the politicians stick their fingers in their ears and refuse to act. It’s up to us to sort this mess out. At times like these, the Highland Land League slogan rings true “Treasa tuath an tighearna”/ “The people are mightier than a lord”

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A global community practising, educating and living a framework called ‘Triple Wellbeing’:  Self-Care, People-Care and Earth-Care.  Provides resources for educators and leaders and young people.

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A nationwide network that enables you to share an hour of your time in return for an hour of someone else’s.

Today time banks are founded on five core values:

  • Everyone is an asset
  • Some work is beyond a monetary price
  • Reciprocity in helping
  • Social networks are necessary
  • A respect for all human beings
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A movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world.

Transition is a movement that has been growing since 2005. Community-led Transition groups are working for a low-carbon, socially just future with resilient communities, more active participation in society, and caring culture focused on supporting each other. In practice, they are using participatory methods to imagine the changes we need, setting up renewable energy projects, re-localising food systems, and creating community and green spaces. They are nurturing the Inner Transition of the cultural and mindset changes that support social and environmental change. They are sparking entrepreneurship, working with municipalities, building community connection and care, repairing and re-skilling.

The community level of scale has huge potential to influence change and is a crucial part of developing and guiding social and economic systems toward sustainability, social justice and equity. There is an increasing recognition that top-down approaches are not sufficient alone to affect change and need to be combined with community-level responses.

It’s an approach that has spread now to over 48 countries, in thousands of groups: in towns, villages, cities, Universities, schools. Around the world, there are 23 Transition Hubs that support and connect Transition groups in their country/region and connect internationally. One of the key ways Transition spreads is through telling inspiring stories, and that’s what we aim to do on this website. We really hope you feel inspired to take part, we’d be honoured if you did.


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Trash Free Trails is a community-focused, non-profit organisation; a positive, inclusive call to arms for riders, runners and roamers alike.

We exist to protect our trails and the wild places they take us, and we’re starting with single-use pollution (aka – Litter!). Our mission is to re connect people with nature through the simple yet meaningful act of removing single use pollution from wild places.

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Trees for Life is a rewilding charity based in Scotland, committed to creating large-scale environmental change in the Scottish Highlands. Focused on restoring the once-extensive Caledonian forest, the charity’s vision includes the rejuvenation of entire ecosystems. Our efforts aim to foster biodiversity and encourage the natural processes that sustain life in our ancient woodlands.

A significant part of Trees for Life’s work involves collaborating with various stakeholders, including local communities, other conservation groups, landowners, and volunteers, to broaden our impact on the landscape. Working with people is essential to our mission to rewild the Scottish Highlands and, by doing so, providing a solution to the climate and biodiversity crises.

Trees for Life is also working to protect existing species and promote reintroductions of new keystone species, notably creating new populations of red squirrels and championing the expansion of beaver to their original habitats. These reintroductions are vital for ecological balance, playing a crucial role in habitat creation and maintenance. Trees for Life is not only restoring a vital part of Scotland’s natural heritage but also creating a living, thriving landscape where wildlife and people can flourish together.

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Will help you to find a food bank – where you can volunteer or receive a food parcel.

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Our MISSION is to mobilise and empower young people to take positive action for global climate justice. We believe that climate change is imminent, man-made, and will exacerbate the already damaging structures of oppression that exist in our society. We therefore strive to not only tackle climate change at its core, but to challenge the roots of social and climate injustice, creating a better world for all.

We are a group of 18-29 year olds who volunteer and collaborate to work towards creating our VISION of a just, sustainable world in which current and future generations enjoy and protect a healthy environment.

Everything we do is guided by our VALUES which are amplifying youth voices, systemic change, non-violence, transparency, anti-oppression, inclusivity, diversity and independence.

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Utopian Stories is a large citizen science project in which school classes are invited to collaborate with research scientists to study the changes we are preparing to make for a sustainable future.
2020 was an unusual year for many of us. In order to protect one another from the coronavirus, we’ve refrained from doing many of the things we’re used to doing. But even greater changes are needed to put the breaks on climate change.

We need to stop what we’re doing and ask ourselves what kind of future we want to have, but at the same time we need to move forward as quickly as possible with the process of adapting to a changing climate. Utopian Stories links together the behavioural changes we made during the pandemic with climate change adaptation and our visions for the future. Students become co-researchers who collaborate with climate scientists, literary scholars, future researchers and educators. Teachers will gain valuable input for their classes, focusing on the scientific method, working with literature, and the global sustainability goals – all while providing researchers with important data collected by their students. Utopian Stories is rooted in the pandemic and the climate crisis, but it takes aim at a brighter future – maybe even utopia! Does this sound interesting? Read more and register yourself and your classes here!

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Determined to promote vegan lifestyles for the benefit of animals, people and the environment.

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Vegans Support the Farmers is an Animal Rising project backing farmer-led demands to transform our broken food system, along with fundraising to support the mental health of farmers suffering due to it. Our goal is to create allyship between vegans and farmers, shift the way in which the media pits vegans against farmers, and make progress towards solutions to fix our food and farming systems together.

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Compassionate and steadfast leaders, those that Meg refers to as Warriors for the Human Spirit, rise in every culture when the world seems to be teetering on the edge of change.

Standing on the precipice of an uncertain future evokes fear and anxiety, causing increased tension, conflict, and polarisation. It is in these liminal spaces that these leaders thrive because they share a sacred value: they commit to protect and preserve the human spirit and the spirit of life, and to guide the way into the unknown that creates possibility for a more just and generative future. Armed with compassion and insight, they are resilient, do what needs to be done, and do not falter when they encounter setbacks.

When we consciously commit to train as a leader that is ready to serve the needs of our time, we are taking our place in history. Countless others have gone before us to serve the needs of their time. Personal family lineages are filled with these kinds of leaders: those who have fought for justice, who have been displaced, who have sacrificed themselves for the greater good, who migrated, who endured poverty, conflicts, and natural disasters. Without their courage, we wouldn’t be here.

We invite you along on this journey if you are ready to join this lineage of brave, generous, and noble people who offered their hearts, hands, and spirits for what they believed in, for what they knew must change. A journey of inner discovery and development, facilitated by Meg Wheatley, and co-created with the Sustainability Institute. This training will deepen your resolve, expand your resilience, and develop your wisdom to lead with an open heart that subverts the current paradigm of domination and fear

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WeCanMake is a people-led response to the housing crisis. We are a community land trust creating affordable homes using micro-sites in big back gardens and in between buildings. Our neighbourhood test-space shows that through creative community-driven innovation, it is possible to seed change within the current system.

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WEAll is the leading collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements and individuals working to transform the economic system. Thousands of people and organisations are working towards a wellbeing economy

The Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) is the leading collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements and individuals working towards a Wellbeing Economy, delivering human and ecological wellbeing. We were born in 2018 as a time-bound project to catalyse a transition towards a Wellbeing Economy by promoting radical connection and collaboration between different actors of the new economy ecosystem, so we can achieve impact larger than the sum of our parts.

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We are a grassroots group of ordinary people, backed by some of the world’s leading climate scientists and ecologists. As the climate and extinction crisis worsens, we’re setting our long-term vision on 50% of the country being rewilded by 2050. That’s a big goal, so we’re starting by asking the country’s biggest landowners to urgently commit to ambitious rewilding projects to get us started.

But where did it all start? In 2021, Wild Card’s co-founders discovered two unbelievable facts. The first was that Britain, an island of self-professed nature lovers, is in the bottom 10% of global nations for biodiversity. The second was that land ownership in Britain is more unequal than almost any other nation on earth with 50% of our land owned by less than 1% of the population. We realised these two things couldn’t be a coincidence. And yet none of those big well-funded nature charities that your gran gives money to each month were being brave enough to hold Britain’s biggest landowners to account. We knew we had to act.

Today we have three missions:

1. To persuade the UK’s largest landowners to rewild 50% their lands by 2050.

2. To persuade the UK government to adopt policies that give communities the power to control and rewild their local landscapes.

3. To help everyone in our country realise our deep and sacred interconnection with nature.

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Founded by the musician Andy Cato, his farms grow wheat without chemicals, using regenerative methods.

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We are a grassroots movement that believes we need nature and it needs us. More than 900,000 members and 39,000 volunteers work together with their Wildlife Trust to make their local area wilder and make nature part of life, for everyone. Every Wildlife Trust is an independent charity. We’d love you to join us.

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Our purpose is to bring wildlife back, to empower people to take meaningful action for nature, and to create an inclusive society where nature matters.
Our vision is of a thriving natural world, with our wildlife and natural habitats playing a valued role in addressing the climate and ecological emergencies, and everyone inspired to get involved in nature’s recovery.

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What is Wiltshire and Swindon LRF?
The Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum (LRF) is a partnership of organisations and agencies who work together to improve the resilience of Wiltshire and Swindon (the County of Wiltshire) and to ensure a coordinated response to emergencies that could have a significant impact on communities.

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An organisation doing a lot on agroforestry.

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The Work That Reconnects Network nurtures a regenerative and thriving world for all beings by providing support, connection and inspiration to the global Work That Reconnects community.

The Work That Reconnects is meant for anyone who longs to serve the healing of our world in a more powerful and effective way. This interactive group process was developed by Joanna Macy, in cooperation with many colleagues, over several decades. The Work That Reconnects draws on foundational teachings, including Systems Thinking, Deep Ecology and Deep Time, Spiritual Traditions and Undoing Oppression.

“The Work That Reconnects helps people discover and experience their innate connections with each other and the self-healing powers of the web of life, transforming despair and overwhelm into inspired, collaborative action.” – Joanna Macy

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Youngwilders is a non-profit focused on accelerating nature recovery in the UK and involving young people in the process and movement.

Accelerating nature recovery in the UK.  The problem – The UK’s ecological health is in the bottom 10% on Earth. Our approach – By working with landowners and partner organisations, we facilitate small-scale youth-led nature recovery projects across the UK which deliver benefits for wildlife, biodiversity and the climate.

​Involving young people in the nature recovery movement. The problem – Over 80% of UK young people are eager to take action to help the environment but only 1 in 5 believe they are being listened to on environmental issues. Our approach – All of our nature recovery projects are conceived, designed and delivered by young people aged 18-30. We provide young people with practical experience in nature recovery work, an opportunity to feel more connected to nature and to have a real say in conservation decisions. We also run a experimental mix of youth engagement activities including our yearly Youth Rewilding Summit ‘Resurgence’ and our magazine Overgrowth.

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Zero Hour is the campaign for the Climate and Ecology Bill, formerly the CEE Bill. It’s a plan for a new UK law that addresses the full extent of the climate emergency and nature crisis in line with the most up-to-date science.

The Bill is the only proposed legislation before the UK Parliament that ensures a comprehensive and joined-up approach to the climate emergency and nature crisis. The Climate and Ecology Bill makes sure the UK does its bit to keep global warming down to 1.5°C, which gives us a chance to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. This means cutting down greenhouse gas emissions really fast. While the existing Environment Act only offers to halt the decline of nature by 2030, the Climate and Ecology Bill commits to reversing biodiversity loss by 2030.

Weaning ourselves off fossil fuels means big changes. So it’s important that everyone is on board with them. That’s why the Bill also calls for a climate and nature assembly to help Government and Parliament develop an emergency strategy on the way forward. The Bill, which was written by scientists, experts and campaigners, was first introduced in Parliament by Caroline Lucas MP in September 2020 and now has the backing of over 150 parliamentarians representing all major political parties.

Join the Zero Hour campaign and let’s tackle the climate emergency and the nature crisis together.

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