What is

Mine to Do?


This page accompanies Kimberley Hare’s book called “What is Mine to Do – and Who can I do it with?” published June 2024.

It contains a list of organisations working on the meta-crisis – including climate and ecological breakdown.  It is in alphabetical order.  Many of these organisations would welcome your energy and resourcefulness – get involved!


Website: https://www.youngwilders.org/

Youngwilders is a non-profit focused on accelerating nature recovery in the UK and involving young people in the process and movement.

Accelerating nature recovery in the UK.  The problem – The UK’s ecological health is in the bottom 10% on Earth. Our approach – By working with landowners and partner organisations, we facilitate small-scale youth-led nature recovery projects across the UK which deliver benefits for wildlife, biodiversity and the climate.

​Involving young people in the nature recovery movement. The problem – Over 80% of UK young people are eager to take action to help the environment but only 1 in 5 believe they are being listened to on environmental issues. Our approach – All of our nature recovery projects are conceived, designed and delivered by young people aged 18-30. We provide young people with practical experience in nature recovery work, an opportunity to feel more connected to nature and to have a real say in conservation decisions. We also run a experimental mix of youth engagement activities including our yearly Youth Rewilding Summit ‘Resurgence’ and our magazine Overgrowth.

Categories: Organizations
Updated 7 months ago.