What is

Mine to Do?


This page accompanies Kimberley Hare’s book called “What is Mine to Do – and Who can I do it with?” published June 2024.

It contains a list of organisations working on the meta-crisis – including climate and ecological breakdown.  It is in alphabetical order.  Many of these organisations would welcome your energy and resourcefulness – get involved!

At the Edge<br />
Kimberley Hare

Mycelium Map Chilterns

Website: https://mymap.eco/#

The Mycelium Map connects people in their local communities to take action on climate change. It provides a comprehensive mapping and listing of local climate action groups in the Chiltern area, from small neighbourhood initiatives to large-scale organisations. With the Mycelium Map, you can find the groups closest to you, learn more about their activities and join their efforts to tackle the climate-nature crisis.

When people see how many support organisations are springing up to help decelerate the climate-nature emergency, a wider sense of confidence can replace the current sense of powerlessness. We don’t need to wait for a peaceful, grassroots, climate-nature movement to happen: we are already here! And the Mycelium Map makes this reality visible.

Who is it for?
Green community organisations, sustainability-focused SMEs, faith groups, schools, local councils and the public: in other words, everyone who lives in the area. As the climate-nature crisis presses ever closer, and climate anxiety spreads, communities need support to become more resilient both in practical and psychological ways. The Mycelium Map helps communities grow stronger and greener fast, by joining the green dots.

And all this high-quality promotion is available to community groups via the Map for free.

The Map is also for green companies. Businesses would also strongly benefit being on the Mycelium Map because it provides them (as explained above) not only with convenient, low-cost promotion but ‘warm leads’, since their goods and services are being seen by individuals and members of community groups actively interested in greener ways of living.

Categories: Organizations
Updated 6 months ago.