What is

Mine to Do?


This page accompanies Kimberley Hare’s book called “What is Mine to Do – and Who can I do it with?” published June 2024.

It contains a list of organisations working on the meta-crisis – including climate and ecological breakdown.  It is in alphabetical order.  Many of these organisations would welcome your energy and resourcefulness – get involved!

Low Impact.Org

Website: https://www.lowimpact.org/

Lowimpact.org has a mission to help people live more sustainably. But biodiversity loss and global warming have grown rapidly, and are accelerating, with nothing in place to stop them.

We’re living through dangerous times. Below is a huge resource bank for gaining the skills for low-impact living, self-provisioning, preparing for a very different future, and joining the commons economy. Information is provided in partnership with a network of like-minded people, businesses & organisations.

Categories: Organizations
Updated 8 months ago.