What is

Mine to Do?


This page accompanies Kimberley Hare’s book called “What is Mine to Do – and Who can I do it with?” published June 2024.

It contains a list of organisations working on the meta-crisis – including climate and ecological breakdown.  It is in alphabetical order.  Many of these organisations would welcome your energy and resourcefulness – get involved!

At the Edge<br />
Kimberley Hare

Inner Development Goals (IDG’s)

Website: https://innerdevelopmentgoals.org/

Convening a global conversation on the inner skills and qualities that matter.

The IDG Framework gives us a language to address the question of how humans can create a future worth living in.

In 2015, all members of the United Nations agreed on 17 goals to build a world of peace, dignity and prosperity on a healthy planet.

We are convinced that understanding and building inner skills is critical for developing a sustainable future for humanity and planet.

To understand these across the globe, we are convening a global conversation and helping shape a language for us to speak about the human potential to shape the change we need.

You can join in the conversation, and help to shape how these goals and skills are shared.



Categories: Organizations
Updated 4 months ago.