What is

Mine to Do?


This page accompanies Kimberley Hare’s book called “What is Mine to Do – and Who can I do it with?” published June 2024.

It contains a list of organisations working on the meta-crisis – including climate and ecological breakdown.  It is in alphabetical order.  Many of these organisations would welcome your energy and resourcefulness – get involved!

Climate Choir Movement

Website: https://climatechoirmovement.org/

The Climate Choir Movement has grown rapidly since Autumn 2022 and now has choirs in Bath, Bristol, Forest of Dean, Guildford, London, Oxford, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Sheffield, Southampton, Swansea, Ballycastle & Exeter.

The Movement has a collective ethos where all are involved in making it thrive. A core group coordinate major activities whilst local choirs arrange their own events, inviting other nearby choirs to join in if they wish.

Categories: Organizations
Updated 5 months ago.