The Edge

a 4-day Retreat

Friday 16th May – Monday 19th May 2025

The retreat group from November 2024

Contact to express your interest

The retreat will be held at Hunton Park, Hertfordshire, England. You will need to be available for all four days, and the experience will be highly immersive.

The retreat is being offered by Kimberley Hare ‘in the gift’ – so there is nothing to pay. You will just need to fund your own travel and accommodation. You will have the option of staying at the venue itself, and if you do so you will settle your own bill on departure. Lunches and refreshments are provided.

Are you somebody who has woken up to the climate, ecological and metacrisis we are facing?

This is a 4-day retreat for people who wish to inquire, in good company, into the questions:

  • So, what’s most important now?
  • What is Mine to Do? Who can I do it with? How can I make a difference?
  • What does it mean to live well now?  How can I tell a story of my life that I’m proud to tell – no matter what happens?

The experience is designed to support you in being able to stand tall and look our interconnected predicaments in the face – from a place of courage, clarity, resilience and creativity.  To deepen your inquiry into what matters most now.

There are three threads we’ll weave together over the retreat:

Transformative Adaptation & Deep Adaptation

How can we prepare and adapt now for what might be a very different way of life?

How can we use our agency – in the places where we live and work – to build resilience and push for a different kind of society?

As well as the material and lifestyle changes that are needed, we’ll explore Transformative and Deep Adaptation.

There are no simple blueprints, no one right way, no universal action plans we can follow. Indeed, Deep Adaptation has been described as largely “an invitation into maplessness”.

However, we do seem to experience ‘nudges’ from wisdom, that we can choose to trust and follow. I love to imagine that we are all weaving something together – but there are an infinite number of individual threads – and there are some that may be ours to pick up.

Joanna Macy’s “The Work that Reconnects”

The central purpose of the Work that Reconnects is to help people uncover and experience their innate connections with each other and with the systemic, self-healing powers of the web of life, so that they may be enlivened and motivated to play their part in creating a regenerative and sustainable civilization. We will journey around a spiral of Gratitude, Honouring our Pain, Seeing with New Eyes and Going Forth over the days of the retreat.

The Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought

Sometimes called the Inside-Out Understanding, the game-changing insights to be seen here are truly profound and valuable for anyone wishing to navigate from love, courage, compassion, well-being, clarity and innate resilience. Regardless of what’s going on around us.

And of course, we’ll be drawing on our own individual and collective resourcefulness, creativity and wisdom.

Here’s what people are saying about the retreats that have taken place recently:

“What can I say about The Edge that doesn’t just sound like hyperbole? Well that’s difficult because it was quite literally one of the most transformative experiences of my life. On the run-up to the retreat we were given homework to review; that was the opening to a door in me that was waiting to be unlocked. The experience of the retreat itself was nothing less than life changing. I have spent a lifetime waiting for what I have always known to be truly mine to do to have a place in this world. I even wrote my Masters on the subject matter but never had the courage, or the faith, that the world was ready for me and my unique gift of service. However, this time the stars aligned and the conditions and timing was just right for me to finally step into my Yes for taking it up. For me, Kim is a profound midwife to our deepest truth, our courage and heart in service of manifesting our possibilities and potential in this world. Her generous spirit and loving heart, encourages and cajoles you with every offering and every gesture that she makes. She creates the conditions for a group of strangers to come together and find connection, love and support that for me is truly enduring. I felt like I found my home again, deep inside myself, and a new family of friends that will support each other along the way in these troubled times that we find ourselves living in. Thank you so much Kim♥️”  Elisa Bragg

“Since fully acknowledging it to myself, I have found it very difficult to speak to anyone about my understanding of the dire predicament that we find ourselves in.  I have found it hard to express my grief, rage and fear about it.  Over four days, Kim made me feel safe enough to do so in this group; the group was so accepting and loving towards each other that I feel for the first time that I actually have all I need to move forwards.  Right now, I feel that the insights that I have had will help me live much more fully than I did before acknowledging what it means to stand on this particular edge.  Anyone who knows in their bones that things are unravelling and is ready both to learn about themselves and make choices about how to live will absolutely love this experience.  Kim is a master facilitator and to me the experience felt safe and spacious, which is amazing considering what we were exploring together!”  Dr Emily Spry

“The Edge Retreat is what I can only describe as a sacred experience which takes you deeper into your own knowing. It allowed me to hang around the edge of my comfort zone, and dip into the place where I thought there was nothing – but from where so much came. I felt safe enough to express emotions which literally liberated my body, and resulted in an intense feeling of gratitude which was deeply moving. We laughed a lot and sang too! The joy was palpable. Thank you, again Kim. For your generosity, your openness, flexibility and love. For allowing the community to emerge together and for your deeply gracious love”.   Mahnaz Bhatti

“What a privilege to spend time doing meaningful deep connecting work with such wonderful people. Thinking back it was like “magic”   in that -with seemingly little effort on your part- a wondrous parade of insights and transformative experiences materialised before our enthralled eyes like coins from behind our ears or never-ending handkerchiefs from a breast pocket. Your orchestration of the retreat was deft and almost imperceptible. Important things just seemed to click into place in the wake of a showcase of artefacts and anecdotes and exercises, videos, poems and songs – each dropped in at just the right moment to lift or deepen the spirit of the room. I must thank you and the team for the safe supportive space created to meet all of our individual needs. And who knew exploring such weighty topics could be so much fun?”  Stuart Drysdale

“Seamlessly weaving poetry and music with deep dive conversations in pairs, small groups and the whole group, as well as with nature, Kimberley lives and models a calm, centred engagement with our human predicament. As one participant said, this restores our faith in the human spirit, while we deepen our acceptance of the troubling times we live in and explore what it is that we can bring to those around us and to our beautiful blue planet. A truly precious opportunity.”  Cassandra Lorius

“Joining The Edge has been a huge experience for me and has allowed me to look at things with new eyes and a lighter calmer heart.  With Kim’s experienced help I was able to shed some of my guilt and fears and though the result is a work in progress I feel so much lighter now and able to confront the future. We laughed we cried we wondered and we laughed again.  I had not realised confronting such a serious predicament could be so life-affirming and joyful and am eager not to lose this feeling.  A young friend had told me he thought attending The Edge was the best thing he’d ever done.  Now I know what he meant.” Christine Watson

“I’m so grateful for my experience on The Edge retreat. I met such a wonderful group of like-minded people of all ages and with such great insight and experience to offer. Kim held the space so well and offered an amazing variety of teachings, practices and experiences. Rob and Juliet were also fantastic assistant facilitators – offering such warmth and wisdom. The hotel was a really great location, with beautiful grounds enabling nature-based practices and a great deal of solitude to really give a retreat feel. Finally, as a vegan, the abundance of all-vegan food provided was a joy! My understanding of the metacrisis and my understanding of my self have increased immeasurably. It was wonderful to feel listened to and seen by people who get it. What an unforgettable experience! Thanks so much!” Jack Cooper

“Thank you for hosting such an extraordinary space for us all, and for your generosity of spirit throughout. The retreat was very powerful and moving. Such a relief to find other people out there who are wrestling with the grief and anxiety of collapse in all its forms. The tangible sense of connection to others was immensely valuable.” Robin Walter

“The four day Edge retreat is a deep and rich exploration of what it means to be alive in this time of the meta crisis and helps in the discovery of “what is mine to do”. One of the beautiful aspects of this course is sharing the discussions and exercises with the group of attendees, who clearly understand the metacrisis but also come to the course with very different lived experiences. The course is a powerful emotional journey, exploring the present and what possible futures may hold, with a strong focus on reconnecting with the human and more than human world”. Andy Lyon

“I am so glad I came on the Edge Retreat.  Kim has put together a wonderful four days of activities, discussions and music, and is a great facilitator.  I can genuinely say it shifted my perspective on the metacrisis and my fellow humans, and I learnt a fair bit about myself too. It’s difficult to describe the experience, although I can say I laughed a lot more than I was expecting to on a retreat about climate collapse!!  It was worth doing the full four days, although the days were long and packed, it was good to be immersed in it to create genuine change and opportunities within myself. Taking a deep dive into the issues and processes was a wonderful opportunity. I was genuinely honoured to spend the weekend with this group of amazing people who were some of the loveliest, most genuine individuals I’ve met. I found some elements of the retreat quite challenging, particularly speaking out in the large group (something I have always struggled with), and some activities were out of my comfort zone, but I was gently encouraged and invited to participate, and the support from the group was incredible.  Taking part in the Edge encouraged me to face the possibility of collapse more fully, but, rather than leading to despair, the experience left me with my heart feeling much fuller and with a nourishing sense of hope and possibility”. Ava Lorenc

“Thank you Kim for such a thoughtfully designed and incredibly informative experience that appealed to all facets of the human experience; the blend of science, art, music, and love. I so admired your clear dedication to bringing this work to the world, your generosity in sharing the range of inspiring resources, and ability to navigate such a range of opinions, experiences and sets of needs in the room. I loved the blend of ways of learning, highlights for me were hearing others opinions as they were able to speak from the heart, seeing the articulation of a live I aspired to in Shaun’s inspirational talk. Most importantly for me, the Edge managed to bring to life what I believe is the most crucial part of any of this work – the community that wraps around all the ideas and intentions.  As we deepended our connection together in the room, guided by your expertise and experience, I was shown the power of community and the strength we can imbue in each other to work towards the future we all want and need. The time we spent together will remain in my heart always.  I can’t thank you enough.”  Katy Kent.

“The Edge was so much more than I dared expect! The palpable love and connection shared between us enabled me to feel safe, accepted as I am and a useful human to play my part joyfully! I was so touched by the open sharing of vulnerability by all of our group. The activities Kim has so carefully crafted, rich in variety, enabled me to feel so much calmer about the distressing metacrisis we find ourselves in. She connected us to past generations and future ones, enabling us to see our part to play. I was able to grieve for the nature we as humans have destroyed, the animals we hurt, the people we cause to suffer. Having grieved I have come to a place of calm where, instead of guilt at not doing more, I can get on with what is mine to do, whatever the outcomes around us. I have been continuing to feel and adapt what this is since the retreat, and who to do it with. I am clearer. The gift of Kim and our group stays with me as I go forth with joy in the world out there! Thank you so much to Kim and all of our group!”  Rachel Blackmore

“The Edge retreat has been a truly transformative experience and Kim’s facilitation has been second to none in the ways that she encouraged connection, support and imagination within the group. I have learned so much and am already noticing significant ways that my focus and attitude towards the meta crisis has shifted. Thank you Kim for your love, warmth and the way you held all of us through our confrontations with our difficult emotions. You are an absolute star and I cannot recommend this retreat enough to those considering going”.  Anna Berrill

“The four days I spent at ‘The Edge’ was a reminder of what it means to be human. I’ve felt uprooted in this world for so long but at the retreat, I felt the roots for my soul growing stronger and deeper into life. After battling feelings of desperation, anger, hopelessness, insanity, and heartbrokenness over the breakdown of our precious life-support system I’ve often felt lost and weird amongst others for having such deep feelings, the retreat was invaluable in the sense it united people with similar feelings. It has been an immense gift of clarity and truth, some much-needed crying and laughter, rare sincerity, heartfelt openness and realising oneness. Kim has a divine delicacy for holding space for people to safely explore their connection to their emotions, others, their passions, and nature. Overall, it was a journey of discovering that love will always be the answer. This experience means so much to me – and I will be forever grateful.”  Rose Armitage

“I came to the Edge not knowing what to do next to fight the paralysing overwhelm that is the “clusterfuck” of  the climate & ecological  crises – hoping that my feelings of guilt & helplessness & not doing /being enough would be transformed in some way. Four days later… almost impossible to put into words what a profound experience the Edge is!  Wow, wow, wow!!! I leave re-connected with my trust in my wise self to cope with the unknown that is coming  and to find my place in the world now which is rooted in joy. In the process I felt truly supported, known, accepted and understood by Kim and my fellow Edgers, held in a safe, joyful, rich, creative, loving  place that felt like coming home. More than anything, I have found my huge love of humanity and gratitude for our beautiful Earth is welling up in me again – joyful!  Kim creates a space where we are truly able to be our authentic selves and I am so grateful to her and our beautiful group of unique humans for their wisdom and generosity – thank you all.”  Fiona Harding

“I arrived at ‘The Edge’ in a state of pretty much complete despair – and doing a pretty good job of hiding the fact. No purpose, no direction, no sense of agency. The retreat woke me up and re-ignited my whole life. I now have clarity on what is mine to do – and who I’m going to be doing it with. Such an extraordinary experience, amazingly facilitated by Kimberley.  This retreat is a true gift to the world.” Fred Ehresmann

“It’s hard, isn’t it? Kimberley was empathetic as I broke into tears during our initial online meeting with her to express my interest in ‘The Edge’ retreat. I knew I was on the edge with my work. I just couldn’t go on putting my energy into sustainable energy projects; techno-fixes that were in fact accelerating collapse. I’d lost all belief that my work yielded any benefits. Just not knowing what to do anymore in response to the meta-crisis. The retreat let me hit pause and face it. To go beyond my coping strategies of numbing out and busyness. To welcome the not knowing and confusion in such good company – made possible by Kimberley’s authentic and skilled facilitation. I can’t praise ‘The Edge’ enough – such warmth, acceptance, support and generosity from all involved. I turned a corner. Three days later I have a get-out-of-my-job plan. I have an idea that brings many of my life’s threads together. I feel positive and energised again! The not-knowing is still there, but the first steps on my new path have been taken. Heart-felt thanks for the opportunity.”  Karen Smith

“It was a true joy – a heart, mind and soul-opening journey. To have the safe space to experience my emotions with an empathetic and present group of people. I feel like I have expanded more brightly into the world, and more deeply into myself. I really appreciated the many different types of exercises and activities. Thank you Kim for holding the space so gently – which allowed us all to be open and vulnerable.” Ameet Mehta

“What a gathering of truly wonderful people – I really do feel privileged to have been a part of it – and hugely grateful. I was braced for a dive into grief – but one of the things that surprised me was how joyful it was! I left feeling energised and knowing that there will still be joy, even in the darkest times. You shared a feast of ideas, perspectives and activities with us – so lots there to draw on and revisit over the coming months and years. Your questions of us helped us to know ourselves better, and find confidence that the threads we are picking up are the right ones for us. Above all, it was really grounding.  It helped me find the courage to look at it straight-on, and to draw strength from others around me doing the same. Thank you so much for your warmth, skill, energy, experience and wisdom. It was a wonderful experience, and is already shaping my actions in the world.” Tess Price

“The Edge is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Amid a world spinning out of control, Kim provided a sanctuary for me to interrogate my hopes, fears, uncertainties and helplessness in a loving, compassionate and non-judgemental environment. Amongst a group of strangers who I now count as friends, we laughed, we cried, and we felt a sense of community and belonging that was truly magical.  Through Kim’s masterful facilitation, we unearthed our deep inner resources of resilience and courage, together with a spiritual calm that comes from understanding we’re all part of the richer whole. I knew in my head that being open, grounded, compassionate, loving and connected was somehow a crucial part of all this – but now I feel it truly in my heart. I have a renewed sense of mission, and a better understanding of myself and my role in the world.  If you have the opportunity to participate in ‘The Edge’, you simply must do it” Will Ruan

“I am immensely grateful for my experience at ‘The Edge’.  I came trying to have few expectations and outcomes. I left feeling restored, reset and rebuilt – with much more clarity about what is mine to do. Kimberley and the group created a safe and magical place where we could be unashamedly authentic.  To be truly seen and listened to, as well as witnessing others.  I take away some profound memories. Absolutely transformative” Tania Leon

“I felt an overwhelming closeness to my fellow participants and to Kim within hours of the first day.  The whole experience enabled me to draw wisdom from all those present – and with Kim’s incredible facilitation, was able to absorb new viewpoints and insights.  I came away with a calmer sense of what my next steps are, together with a ready-made list of fellow-Edgers to consult with in the future.  I felt held with love.” Becca Cassar

“The Edge retreat provided a rich tapestry of information-sharing, discussion, rituals for processing grief, connection, reflection… crying, singing, laughing. So much love, skillfully and magically woven by Kimberley, who shares her deep knowledge with generosity, humour and equanimity. I emerged from the retreat energised and connected, with new friends.  I’m much clearer about my direction in this storm, and more able to experience love and gratitude for being alive at this time”. Monica Farina

“I loved the passion, the diversity, anything-goes-ness of the space you created and offered. I moved through a journey, and by half-way through I was already feeling a sense of excitement and aha-ness about what might be mine to do in response to our permanent climate emergency.  This clarified even further by the end of the retreat. Kim provides so much care – before, during and after the retreat”. Louise Scrivens

“An excellent and intense retreat. I have been ossified for literal decades by the intractability of it all – and now I have a direction that I’m looking forward to moving in. And what a delightful bunch of people! It was refreshing, replenishing and fun in a way that defies the potential doominess of the context.” Aldabra Stoddart  

“Kim has a unique gift for bringing together a group of strangers and turning them into family. The Edge was a deeply moving and rewarding experience. If you care about climate collapse but have lost your way. If you feel a burning desire to contribute but are unsure ‘what is mine to do’ The Edge, with Kim’s expert guidance is the place to find the answers.  Recognising my inability to change our current system has allowed me to cling less tightly to the idea of changing things and instead pivot towards providing experiences that help people to change themselves. I am now exploring creating experiences that allow people to reconnect with nature, themselves and each other. My hope, that in doing so, people will begin to recognise that the true value of life lies in being part of this beautiful planet and the connections and joyful experiences we create with others and therefore the things we desire, or believe we desire, will begin to change.  I couldn’t recommend The Edge more. I had the privilege of meeting wonderful people, making deep and meaningful connections and leaving with a greater sense of purpose. Thank you Kim.”  Steph Killingbeck

“The Edge” is a unique cocktail of the best wisdom available from the world’s foremost thinkers on what it means to live in a collapse-aware world, held together by the skill, experience and personal insights of its leader/facilitator, Kimberley Hare. It incorporates the work of Joanna Macy (The Work That Reconnects), Meg Wheatley (Warriors for the Human Spirit), Rupert Read (Climate Majority Project) and Jem Bendell (Deep Adaptation) in a perfectly paced four days. Learning starts in advance from the carefully curated pre-retreat reading. The twenty attendees at my retreat were carefully vetted/selected by Kim to ensure a diverse group (by age, gender, background) which added to the richness of the experience. Prepare to laugh, cry and build courage as you find that which is “your thread to do” in these uncertain times ahead.”  Andrew Medhurst

“The Edge Retreat is a gift that keeps on giving. It helps participants to recognise their gifts and identify how they can use those gifts to address the world’s needs in the face of the climate crisis. My mindset shifted from hopeless despair to courageous acceptance. Participants arrived as like-minded strangers and departed as friends. This new community gives us strength, resilience and support to face up to reality and go forth together. Kim is a wonderful facilitator, combining her knowledge in psychology and the climate crisis, skills in coaching and community building, and buckets of love. She guided us expertly as we rode the emotional rollercoaster of this challenging experience, supporting us through the discomfort and joy of growth. We were fortunate to have Rupert Read running one of our sessions – this was an alarming wake-up call that reaffirmed the urgency of the situation and strengthened our resolve to act together to drive bottom-up change and build community resilience. The Edge Retreat was the catalyst I needed to identify my path and take the next steps in what is mine to do for the planet and humankind. I highly recommend it to anyone who is overwhelmed by the climate crisis and feels compelled to act but needs a helping hand to guide them; comrades will surround and support you on The Edge Retreat and beyond”.  Rachael Andrews

“It is impossible to overstate the importance of the Edge Retreat.  Kim’s sensitive and highly insightful curation of the four days provides participants, with the opportunity for deep ‘sense making’ of the huge significance of this time in human history, strengthening individual and collective resilience and right action. I have the deepest appreciation for Kim’s resoluteness, courage and love.” Alistair Gould

“Aware that something is very, very wrong with the world’s direction of travel but unsure what to do with that knowledge? In an atmosphere of sharing and generosity, Kimberley Hare’s “The Edge” gave me and many like-minded souls the tools to go back out into the world with a much clearer idea of what is ours to do as individuals, plus the incalculable bonus of knowing we are not alone. Life-changing is no exaggeration.” Adam Victor

It was an honour and such a positive experience to attend The Edge retreat. Kim is such a brilliant facilitator, infinitely adaptable and resourceful with a kind heart; should you get the opportunity to attend the retreat, do not hesitate to take it. I felt a real joining together of hearts and minds, there was never a dull moment and I gained so much. At the end of the retreat I felt a real reconnection with community values, a growth in my personal strength, faith in nature and at peace with our current situation.Penny Schenkel

“Before I went on The Edge retreat I knew the climate crisis was bad and getting worse. Once I had worked my way through the pre-read, a really useful blend of articles and YouTube videos, I realised things are a lot worse!  I didn’t know what to expect from the retreat, I come from a corporate business background so have attended many ‘away-days’ but this retreat was nothing like anything I have ever experienced before. I met a wonderful group of like-minded people who I got to know really well over the four days. We spent our time together and then in smaller breakout groups exploring the climate crisis, collapse and overshoot. Great credit to Kim that we all felt safe to be able to share our inner-most feelings. There was laughter and joy, tears and sadness throughout!  I gained many insights about the predicament we face, but also about myself. I feel so much better armed now to face whatever the future holds.”  Nick Bullock

“I have been living with the awareness and grief of the likelihood of climate breakdown within my lifetime for many years, and have been asking myself what is my role in helping my community to cope, but not coming up with clear answers, so when I read about the Edge retreat, I immediately applied to go on it. The Welcome Pack required us to put in considerable time to get familiar with recent thinking and research, and help us be clear before the event as to how dire our situation is – and so we were all well informed and ‘on the same page’. It was a wonderful experience: Kim had brought together a wide range of people in terms of age, background and occupation, and with great skill in facilitation managed to ensure that we all bonded as a group within the first day. Despite the very challenging material and the exercises we were required to do, I emerged at the end of the four days not tired, but energised, feeling positive, and with greater clarity about what is mine to do, and a determination to devote more time to that work. By the end, we all felt like friends, and I feel very grateful to Kim for the experience. I have already recommended attending the next retreat to one friend.” Rachel Berger

“I joined the ‘Edge retreat’ because I felt I was becoming a bitter environmental activist, the kind of person I would have avoided 20 years ago as their bitterness was really off putting.  The Edge retreat can be very emotional at time as it is not easy facing up to the poly crisis in the near future. Though homework, videos, break-out sessions, games, stories, discussion groups … in the 4 days you get to develop an even deeper understanding of the terrifying situation we are facing but also form the idea of ’what is yours to do’. I knew what was mine to do but also wanted to let go of feeling guilty of all the campaigns and groups I am not supporting.  It’s not all doom and gloom, there is so much laughter and you make such deep connections with the other ‘Edgers’.  As much as there are no easy solutions I definitely left more accepting of the situation we are facing but more supported and understood, more positive than I have felt in years, and full energy to go out in the world and take action for deep adaptation.”  Ann De Bock

“I cannot recommend The Edge retreat more. It was one of the best experiences I have had. I felt Kim was a wonderful facilitator. Within 15 minutes of her first exercise I was emotionally connected to the rest of the group. The climate crisis is a difficult thing to emotionally deal with, especially because we live in an individualistic society. It makes us feel alone and unable single handedly to deal with what’s coming. What Kim and the Edge makes you realise is that the way to manage it is to connect with others. That is the only way we are going to create a kind, compassionate, loving society out of something that is going to be so destructive. The Edge gave me hope despite the fact that we faced the facts of what’s really happening.  If you are struggling with the reality of the climate and ecological crisis please take part in the Edge, you won’t regret it.”   Liz McGarry

“Kim has the extraordinary ability to tap into hearts and minds. She creates a safe, transformative space where we get glimpses of who we really are and what we are made of. It was a profound experience.  I trusted Kim completely, if you feel fragile it never feels too much and if you feel strong it never feels too little. Whatever your beliefs and whoever you are you will fit in and be allowed to be yourself. Some days contained sadness but every day there was much fun and laughter. I benefitted enormously from the reading and listening homework that was required beforehand and which helped to put us all on the same page when we started. The Edge retreat has freed me and unburdened me so I can move forward in truth with greater clarity and courage, leaving behind despair and delusion. I found how much love and compassion it is possible to have for myself and my neighbour and am so grateful to Kim for giving me the opportunity to explore what is mine to do and also for the time spent with a very special group of people. Memories I will cherish.” Cecilia Bullock

“Last week I went to The Edge. The edge of what? Edge of chaos, edge of sanity, edge of the world… It was a chance to look unflinchingly but with kindness and mutual support at things that are so big and important that we tend to ignore them. Everybody knows there are multiple intersecting crises affecting the world, and yet we go on as we were. Some people keep turning the penny handle. Some people carry on campaigning to turn things around. But the penny handle is starting to creak and things aren’t turning around.  Over four days, sixteen strangers guided by the fiercely gentle Kimberley Hare (with a guest appearance from essential public intellectual Rupert Read) found a deep connection, born not from agreement but from acceptance, and emerged with a better idea of what is theirs to do at this time. This isn’t analysis and planning, it’s going deep into things that are raw and difficult but necessary if you want to go forward. It’s hard to do justice to the event in words but it is transformative and will stay with me for life.” Jake Hoban

“I’d definitely recommend Kim’s retreats. At The Edge, she did an amazing job at facilitating some very meaningful discussions about the potential breakdown of our living patterns as the climate crisis unfolds. Lots of food for thought, e.g. informative presentations about the dilemmas of the transition to net zero. But on a deeper level, she helped us to feel the emotions of adaptation – listening to our hearts as well as our minds. It was also lovely to connect with so many other like-minded souls on a similar journey with eco-grief and courage.”  Jeremy Brown

“Although I felt a strong calling to attend the Edge retreat, I was slightly apprehensive and unsure what to expect. In the event, I needn’t have worried. We were an eclectic bunch of people with very different backgrounds and ways of thinking, but Kim was skilled at putting us at our ease and creating space for us all to express our feelings and ideas. It was a huge relief to be among people who understood what I was talking about when I’d previously felt rather isolated among family and friends. I feel that I’m heading in the right direction, and I now know that I’m far from being alone.” Sue Clements

“I would heartily recommend The Edge retreat with Kimberley Hare to anyone who is aware of how far our society and civilisation is from being sustainable and is looking for clarity on how they can face the future and live positively within it. It’s actually hard to set down on paper what made the retreat so special and so empowering. Fundamentally, it is the quality of the interactions between participants that Kim fostered through the design of the programme and through the way she led the retreat. The exercises were fresh, meaningful, quite challenging, and balanced with some beautiful opportunities to slow down and let the experiences settle in us.  One of the most incredible aspects was that within about half a day, certainly no more than a day, a group of strangers had become friends and felt totally comfortable bringing our vulnerabilities and weaknesses into the conversation. Some difficult emotions to work through along the way, but by the third day I felt a lot clearer, and was seeing strengths in myself and other people that I had been ignoring up to then.”   Simon Milnes

“I actually really struggle to put into words how valuable my time on ‘The Edge’ retreat. What an incredible four days it was with such beautiful company. You have a magical gift in holding a space where we all felt safe to be our most vulnerable – which is a prerequisite to journey deep within the exploration of ‘what is mine to do’. I came to the retreat unsure if I was going to be able to find ‘what is mine to do’, so was very pleasantly surprised to leave with a really strong sense of not just knowing what is mine to do, but also feeling confident to step up and do it. And I got SO much more from the retreat too – connecting with a wonderful group and making friends for life – many if not all of whom I am sure will come together in our work too. I love that you place finding what is ours to do in the context of being collapse aware; Yes it is difficult but our group proved that it is in our human nature to come together and hold each other in the difficult times and we each helped one another on our journey towards understanding what is ours to do right now. This is invaluable to us as individuals, but also to society as a whole in this time of meta-crises, social and climate collapse. Thank you doesn’t cut it, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will be eternally grateful.” Jen Newall

“What a treat, and what a relief – I’m not losing my marbles, or if I am, at least I’m not alone! Spending four straight days in the company of wonderful people who ‘get it’ and feeling free and uncensored in conversation was such a privilege.  Deeply listening to others and being heard myself was an enlightening and enriching experience.  We didn’t even actually talk that much about specific climate issues – we just knew we all understood the backdrop.  The activities and exercises were fun, powerful and sometimes very challenging, but there was always a strong feeling of being supported and cared for. I trusted Kim implicitly to look after us all. I loved exploring deep feelings and felt honoured to be present while others shared their stories. I felt deep connection that I haven’t felt for a long time, with complete strangers, more connection after a few days than years with colleagues or friends.  I came away feeling nourished, lighter and clearer, and determined to go forward with joy and love into whatever my thread is – and with some ideas! I had regained some faith in humanity. Going back to work and being back in the ‘real’ world is still quite difficult, but I now feel I have some skills to deal with these challenges in a kinder and more loving way, and the on-going care and contact with Kim and the others is invaluable and keeping the flame lit inside.  Kim, you are doing an amazing thing here – thank you so much”.  Nicky Clark

“I cannot recommend ‘The Edge’ retreat highly enough. A profound, invigorating, transformative four days, The Edge let me step away from that sensation of running up the down escalator that is everyday life into a loving, intimate, challenging space that left me with a renewed sense of peace and purpose. For anyone grappling with who we should be in these times, how we can face a world of increasing chaos and collapse with courage and acceptance, The Edge allows that deep meditative dive, both inward and outward, to where answers can make themselves known. Strangers at breakfast became friends by lunchtime, with a great deal of vulnerability expressed, a great deal of fear, wisdom, grief, strength, honesty and love. There was also a great deal of laughter. It was everything I’d hoped it might be and more, like getting a full body and face tattoo in invisible luminous ink.”  Jasper Gibson

“Four days of challenge, facing up, letting go and beginning to move on in the predicament of irreversible climate change and its consequences for everything on our planet.  Kim facilitates with clarity, courage and compassion, helping our group of all ages to create deep connections and communication that will support us from now on.  It’s a roller coaster of emotion and thinking, but Kim never left us to flounder.   For me, it’s helped me to make clear and reaffirm what I need and want to do in dealing with climate change, and that has reduced the anxiety, anger and sometimes depression I had been feeling strongly previously. I’m feeling steelier, and at the same time more kind – imbued with more clarity, courage and compassion too”.  Lu Overy

“I expected to come away from Kim’s The Edge retreat more informed and possibly more motivated. I never expected to experience such a profound sense of having a place in the world, of feeling supported and of feeling ready to trust myself to be ready for what comes next. This retreat unexpectedly renewed my love of humanity and I am now living with a very visceral gratitude for our planet that touches me every day. Thank you Kim and Ben and all the other lovely people on the retreat.”  Annabel Foley

“Do you remember that Channel 4 logo of different, coloured shapes randomly whirling around? Then they snapped together and made the figure 4. Metaphorically, I feel I’ve got a bit of that going on.  It feels full of potential, timely and fulfilling. I’m processing.  The Edge retreat was like nothing I’ve ever done before.  On a surface level I enjoyed it enormously and was very impressed with the scope, pace, variety and content.  At a deeper level it has set something in motion for me that I’m still working on. I feel lighter somehow, having put down the burden of the fight of trying to get people to ‘do’ something about climate collapse. Kim is a very skilled facilitator, clearly very experienced; helping us grow and explore with loving kindness, good humour and expertise. I came away feeling I have been in touch with my old tribe.”  Gilly Chegwyn

“I came to your retreat not knowing what it would offer but knowing I was in need of respite from the relentless fight for climate action. What I experienced over the four days changed my perspective and allowed me to understand that preparing for change as a community is as important as if not more important than fighting for it to happen by others. I came away with a sense of inner peace and strength that I can tap into to be resilient in the work I feel called to do and to help build resilience in others. Kim is a wonderfully generous, insightful and intuitive guide, and our group developed a very strong bond over the four days. Truly inspiring, uplifting, grounding and resonating – and full of tears and laughter.  I’m so glad I came.”  Vicky Wyer

“What an incredible gift to explore the meaningful and expansive questions of our time within a loving community willing to cry, laugh, and express from the heart.  I felt I was able to meet unknowns, confusion, and grief, about our changing world from a place of growing authenticity.  I’m excited to see how this clarity and courage will continue to unfold, and will carry the powerful inspiration and support from the group with me.  Kim led with passion, awareness, and an open heart.  I’m still figuring out what hope means for me, but this experience opened the door wide.”  Olive Howland-Milne

“The Edge retreat was a rare and important opportunity to take stock, reorientate and locate myself deeply in my core values and how I will live them out as we move forward into this time of incredible change and unknown difficulty. It is a real gift to have had this time and space to come to terms, and understand both myself and what is coming on a deeper level.”  Georgia Twigg

“I found the Edge retreat a powerful, important and enjoyable experience.  Even before we started. Kim interviewed us to make sure we were ready to deal with the retreat. She sent out homework to prepare us in good time.  The venue was lovely and we agreed as a group a set of guidelines to make the retreat a safe place for people to share.  There was a variety of exercises and videos to explore the theme of societal collapse and to deepen the trust within the group. Even though we were looking at challenging material there was a feeling of joy much of the time as well as the chance to grieve the expectations we were losing for ourselves and future generations.  There was time for breaks, lovely food and an invitation to take care of ourselves by taking time out whenever we needed to.  We explored the important challenges of how to live our lives in the light of this awareness and how to speak to others in our lives.  The other participants were wonderfully varied people with different gifts and we are communicating with each other to help to make the changes we choose in our lives. It was a privilege to participate in this retreat and I am grateful to Kim for her generosity”.   Stephen Marcus

“I found this retreat to be immensely supportive.  From the morning of day one I knew I would find ‘what it was mine to do’ with regard to where I find myself in relation to climate overshoot.  I met great people of like mind and just rested in their support and understanding.  The bond of love which built between us was or is the very foundation of deep adaptation.  From this experience of recognition and deep acceptance (at least for now) of what is, within and outside of me (both pain and a loving acceptance of what is and what will be) I have stepped into my being.  My path?  To be a heart whisperer!  I strongly advocate you give yourself the (privilege of) time to participate in this retreat so you can find your own answer to what it is yours to do at this time.  The answer will bring you the experience of your inner peace and acceptance or a level of acceptance, of what has or what will arise from climate breakdown. This experience is your inner resilience and commitment to be present to yourself and others.  Each of us found our own way forward.  May you do so too”.  Kathy Russell

“Thanks to this unforgettably rich Edge retreat, my defended mind and heart have surrendered to the prospect of all round collapse and the need to prepare for deep adaptation NOW.   And so we must learn to shift from I to We, and together, we began that shift. Like a kind of ‘Doula’, Kim supported us through grief and joyful affirmation of life.  Music carried us, videos of seers and thinkers inspired us, imaginative group and pair exercises enabled a level of co-creation completely new to me. It’s been an unmissable experience…”  Andrea Davies 

“Operating under circumstances we can’t control calls for a level of wisdom that we usually can’t just intuit.  Kimberley Hare’s the Edge navigates questions without clear-cut answers in a way that leaves you feeling you are doing something about the climate crisis: becoming someone who is equipped to help wherever you’re called upon.  What do you do when you can’t save the planet? It’s a big question, and answering it without moving in directions that support despair or inaction takes a certain brand of strength. Kim’s retreat explores how we can map that strength on the way we’re already built, or where we can find it when it doesn’t seem readily available to us.  Humanity has never faced anything in the same realm as the climate crisis. I live more in a world that more readily hides the truth about it than it does arm those of us acting in good faith with the tools to change things. I can, at least, change internally, readying ourselves weather a dangerous descent through community, forebearance for those who ignore the situation or even make things worse, and a little clarity on how we can personally spend our time. The Edge helped me meaningfully along these threads.  Walking into The Edge, the more human and emotionally based rationales for facing up to climate change are front and centre. Neither moving to New Zealand nor even shutting off emissions tomorrow will save the status quo, so what is an authentic response to shifts in biodiversity, food cultivation and temperature this severe? I’m not sure, but we can start by entering spaces where the questions can be examined in good faith, like the ones Kim creates”.  Robin Black

“Facing into this topic in a supportive group helped lessen my fear. I felt it was a great privilege to be able to attend this event and feel so connected…I experienced moments of genuine joy and peace. Kim is awesome. Kept us really engaged throughout, took us to edges, and gave us the confidence to look over…..When the world ends I’d like to be beside her”.  Trudi Warner

“I’ve been actively involved in XR for over 4 years now, campaigning to protect life on our precious planet from the life-threatening impacts of the global economic machine. For me this course was an important stepping stone toward emotional acceptance of the inevitability of climate, economic and social breakdown. The four days of workshops moved me into deep connection with myself, with the group and with one particular fir tree in the grounds who I spoke to for a little over half an hour in ‘creature language’. I am hugely grateful to Kim for her natural leadership, and for this opportunity to explore a creative new direction in my work as an activist.”  Joseph Mishan

“I am just so incredibly grateful for your patience, wisdom and generosity of spirit. I genuinely hope I can contribute to spreading this understanding as a way of not only enabling us to face up to what is going on but also to have a perhaps more gentle experience of this reality. For now, I will continue to potter in in my garden and grow herbs in the fields. I think that is a very good place to start, on so many levels. I have a feeling something will occur to me.”  Jess Ryall

“The Edge retreat was really interesting and engaging and brilliantly run by Kim, who has such a deep understanding of how to include and guide all the participants.  As with all the best group learning experiences, what is learnt comes mainly from yourself and others in the group, and Kim is the guide who takes you on that magical journey of discovery.  She knows the terrain and all the beautiful spots with the best views.  When anyone offers their views or ideas it’s clear that she always genuinely sees where they are coming from and respects it fully, instead of pretending to agree or understand. In the 6 weeks since the retreat the sense of clarity and peace has remained, and even grown.  I feel I have changed as a person, much for the better, with the Retreat as an turning point for that change, and for that I am very grateful to Kim”.  Stephen Halsey

“It’s almost three weeks now since I met a completely new group of people…all held by the brave, selfless service of Kim.  I explored and shared my grief for our Mother Earth, her pain as we encounter the palpable nature of the anthropocene age and the 6 mass extinction on earth.  I re-connected to my own humanity, that of others and felt deep love for all sentient beings. It was a very special experience – I feel connected, I found great love, comfort and active hope in ‘doing the work’ – so beautifully facilitated by Kim.  Go.  Open.  Allow yourself to feel what it really is to be a human being” Abby Hone

“Last week I completed ‘The Edge’ retreat, and it was wonderful to feel so quickly at home among my fellow participants, who are all climate activists in different ways. All of us came with versions of the same question: how can I hold the tension between my knowledge of where our life on Earth is heading, alongside the everyday conversations, feelings and compromises in my life?  Simply spending time and getting to know this remarkable group of people was itself an honour and a privilege, for which I am deeply grateful to all who took part. As each day went by, Kim’s carefully crafted questions and processes, and the reflections we shared with each other, led me gently to a place where (as several of us noted) “I can take time now”. Time to pay attention to my own health and wellbeing; time to look clearly at what is happening around me; and all the while be confident that my actions are effective – even when outcomes are invisible!  With heartfelt thanks to Kim and ‘The Edge’, November 2021.”  John Ingleby

“The Edge retreat was an extraordinary experience. Going on my own and not knowing what to expect made me feel quite anxious but after talking to Kim about it she reassured me telling me to just come, to just be myself and not to worry.  She was right. As soon as I arrived I felt at ease as I found myself within a group of like-minded lovely people. All different, with an age range from 17 to 82, I immediately felt welcomed and relaxed. Within Kim’s professional and loving embrace she held us all through four days of exploring mindfully a very difficult subject that we had all been struggling with individually up until that time.  Going through those days we learnt how to each find our own paths allowing an unravelling of our own and collective feelings and thoughts. Then in a safe and loving environment we then knit these threads together with love and compassion into a coat of many colours enabling each of us to move forward when we left with renewed confidence and purpose. I would recommend it to anyone of a similar mind who is struggling with the enormous changes we all face in these difficult times.”  Fay Langston

“The Edge – an experience I will never forget. The enormous amount of love we shared as a group has changed my perspective on the potential of the human experience. Kim’s resources and activities were wonderful and incredibly insightful, coupled with the deep connection that flowed through everything we did was one of the most special and profound things I have experienced. The Edge has completely shifted the way in which I wish to interact with the world and the experience of life. I thought I knew what I valued and what I wanted to do, but now I see what life needs to do through me, there is nothing that feels more right to do. I cannot recommend anything more, nor any person more than Kim, both have changed my mindset, reinvigorated my sense of aliveness and helped me realise my threads to weave. Kim has created a truly safe and non-judgemental space for people to experience their own insights and wisdom, the teaching is all your own, no matter what perspective, experience and spiritual exploration you are coming from, there is absolutely incredible and deep intuition to be had from this. It is not a coincidence you have found out about The Edge and if it feels right, do it!”  Katrina Scales

“The Edge was a wonderful experience of connection, belonging and exploration of the times we live. We met as strangers at the beginning of the 4 days but quite quickly welcomed each other into a space of deep connection and camaraderie. We were held through our grief and anger at what is transpiring in the world and given the spiritual tool of the 3 principles which created many invaluable insights. Kim was a talented host, weaving together the various physical, practical, spiritual and emotional narratives into a common story that we could explore together. She created a space where people could really be vulnerable and feel into what was really going on. Thanks Kim!”  Julyan Davey

“The retreat was an experience like no other. In view of the subject – climate and ecological breakdown – I was expecting a lot of pain and sorrow to come out. This did happen, and it needed to be released, but what surprised me was the joy, lightness and heartfelt laughter we all shared. I met a bunch of beautiful humans with whom I connected deeply. I gained incredibly valuable insights and came away with real clarity, a sense of purpose, and a renewed faith in our collective capacity to face the most momentous challenges with courage and grace. Kim is the best, most intuitive, most human facilitator I have ever worked with. Thank you Kim, for your generosity, wisdom, strength and unfailing good humour.”  Janet Lees

“I feel truly grateful to have been on ‘The Edge’ Retreat in January 2020 run by Kimberley Hare. What I experienced in the four days went far beyond my expectations and I feel profoundly changed for it. I spent much of the last few years in a state of anger, grief, depression and anxiety around the planetary emergency we are facing and I knew I needed to find my way through these negative states. The work we did together allowed me to find my way back to the emotion that underlies everything. Through deep connection with people that I had never met before I found my way back to joy and love. Already it has changed my home life as I have shared my new understanding of honesty and vulnerability with my husband and daughter. I also feel ready to build a network of families taking action in my community based on love, rather than panic. I can’t thank Kim enough for her generosity, wisdom and open hearted guidance.” – Ellie Wyatt

“The retreat was beautiful, I went on such an incredible journey, and 4 days really gave me the space to drop into it. I feel like I now have the courage to follow my path with clarity, without the unnecessary attachment to fear, self-doubt and the overall outcome to the climate and ecological crisis. Kim is the most incredible teacher and I feel profoundly thankful to have had this opportunity. Thank you.” Rowan Henthorne.

“I came with an open mind and high expectations. What I was seeking was not exactly clear – I just knew that this was a moment. What I found was one of the most profound experiences of my life. Love manifest – fears faced – clarity found – direction clear.” Myles Daly

“Thank you so much for this experience Kim – your wisdom, generosity and grace has been an inspiration. I instantly felt at home with the group, held and seen. And I left the experience with clarity, hope and joy in my heart. I can’t go back to seeing life in the old way and my time with you has deepened my resolve to ‘live while I’m alive’! “ Andrew Moore.

“I have both been exploring the Three Principles, and been an environmental activist for nearly a decade, but this was the first time I was in a space where I could discuss one in the context of the other – and what a joy it was. With a story about being an introvert and easily feeling excluded, I normally do not enjoy retreats. However, Kim is very skilled at facilitating an event which strikes the perfect balance of structure and momentum with sensitivity and time to articulate and explore what is in the room. She also has a joy and ease which makes it easy to remember how deeply connected we all are, the strengths we do have and the hope there is to draw from that. I leave with a new found clarity and conviction to see some of the noise in my head for what it is and follow the ‘nudge’ to follow my particular path.” Erica Lewis

“I was drawn to participate in ‘The Edge’ retreat because I was wondering how to engage with the climate crisis without becoming overwhelmed and keen to find constructive ways of taking action. I found this retreat to be just what I needed. Kim and the group created a safe space where we took the time to really allow our emotions to be experienced and expressed, without getting lost in them. Kim navigated us wonderfully through different types of exercises and shared many things that inspired her and helped us look at the state of our world from a different perspective. For me the combination of the three frameworks (The Work that Reconnects, Deep Adaptation and The Three Principles) worked brilliantly. I am so so grateful to receive this gift of time and connection and would truly recommend this retreat and Kim’s coaching”  Eveline Tijs

“Prior to ‘The Edge’, I was looking for a way to combine my Three Principles understanding with the climate crisis and to be able to explore and process my own feelings about the planet. Kim’s facilitation at The Edge was exactly what I was hoping for. Kim guided us through the four days, whilst holding us in a space of love, acceptance and safety. The activities were varied, which meant that I was able to engage in different ways with my own feelings and give space for insight to arise. I was able to take my own journey through the retreat, finding my own ways forwards. I loved this about The Edge: there was no one thing in particular that was expected and nowhere in particular for us to reach. It was about being together as a community and taking our own path, letting the journey unfold as it would. I don’t know where else I could have done this. It was a really valuable opportunity for me.” Vicky Otter

“I very much appreciated the depth of your preparation – and your attention to the process. A major factor was the trust everyone had in you, which was what created the climate of safety, which I think was exceptional” George Levvy

“I loved the retreat. I particularly loved the love, connection and presence you brought. The way you facilitated very challenging themes. It was entirely free from that expert/amateur, teacher/student, guru/follower vibe that distances people from the very thing the teaching is pointing to and has had me fall out of love with retreats and gatherings generally. I felt that you were seamlessly teacher, learner, speaker, listener etc with no attachment to any particular role or way of being perceived and that that way of being was pivotal in allowing the experience/recognition of our shared humanity and consciousness to emerge as it did. I really liked the way you brought music and video into the mix. The experience wasn’t long enough for me… but having said that, where I ended up was perfect”. Emma McDevitt

“I wanted to extend a massive thank you to you all for such an incredible few days. Firstly to Kim for running the event, especially using the gift economy and so enabling me to take part and also for your total dedication to helping us navigate through this important subject. Thanks too for all the incredible resources you’ve sent through. Secondly an enormous thank you to each and every one of you, for your wisdom, your input, your love, your energy and your commitment to making a difference – which after an initial sense of personal inadequacy, has filled me with a real compulsion to step up and get going on this” Maureen Garner

“I’d like to thank you so much for your love, energy, inspiration, creativity in creating this incredible retreat. It is a wonderful gift to the world – it has been so impactful for me and all of us at the retreat, I’m sure creating a beautiful ripple effect for those around us too. It is waking me up to what I (and we all) really are on the inside. I’ve remained in that calm and connected space following the retreat and had further insights. I’m very excited to see where this will lead!” Norbert Sobolak

“Wow, what can I say? The experience I had on the retreat with you all was life-changing, and I don’t use that term lightly! It’s hard to put into words what it meant to me, not just to be amongst others who are awake to the climate crisis but to be together in a particular way; honouring the pain and grief and holding space for one another to express them, but also looking beyond those feelings to something far more powerful and being together in the awareness of who we really are.  I’m incredibly grateful to all of you for showing up in the way you did, it was an absolute honour to be part of it! A HUGE thank you to Kim for your wisdom, generosity and love. ”  Kathryn Eales